I Thought I Got It Right This Time: A glimpse of chapter 4

Jul 05, 2023 4:46 pm

II Thought I Got It Right This Time: A glimpse of chapter 4.

In this chapter we see how desperate I am to hold onto something that was putting my health at risk due to the multiple affairs, and fighting for a marriage that clearly I only wanted to save. It was the beginning of the end of what I thought was my whole life.

Once again, my mission was to become a wife. I had some experience on what not to do, and I made up my mind to stay, no matter how difficult it got. And I had my “word” from the prophet that my next husband would be someone I know.

Here’s that crazy thing: the reason I broke up with him the first time was because everything was still the same,and nothing in his life had changed!

But most importantly, the Holy Spirit was quiet. You would think I would have been concerned about that—after all, why was the Holy Spirit quiet?

 Because He already told me in 2008 that this was not the person for me. 


I remember kneeling before God, begging Him to fix this, to save my marriage. I had no words, only tears, as I asked the Holy Spirit to intercede for me. He heard my prayers, but I had no idea how my deliverance was coming.

Have you ever cried out to God asking, begging Him to change the situation, and the prayer is answered not the way you thought it would be, but exactly what you needed?

Let’s talk about it.
