God Unraveled My Belief System

Jun 04, 2023 10:46 pm

I wanted to take a moment to share a glimpse of my journey with you, a journey that began when God called me to write "I Just Wanted To Be A Wife."

When I first heard His voice, I was filled with confusion and doubt. Writing wasn't my forte, and the thought of exposing my personal struggles (and putting my business in the streets!) felt scary.

Little did I know that this journey would lead me down a path of self-discovery. A journey where God would gently...

Unravel my belief system, like a beautiful sweater.

He tugged at a loose string, bringing to light the deepest corners of my heart that needed healing. 

You'll see in the book and these emails:

  • My journey of unraveling the beliefs that had to be torn down
  • The highs and lows
  • The failures and victories

More importantly, I want to share how He gave me the strength to accept and face it all along the way.

Because you signed up for updates, I’ll be sending you exclusive sneak peeks about the progress of "I Just Wanted To Be A Wife.

But I also want this to be a space for you to share your own experiences. Reply to this email and share your own story, your victories, and even your challenges. You can also leave comments on the blog at lynsmithauthor.com/feed

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. Your presence and support mean the world to me. Together, let's discover the depths of God's love and find true fulfillment in Him.

Lyn Smith

avatar Kennita
So proud of you! Can't wait to read the book. Praying God's best for you.