Why Aren't You Using These?

Mar 18, 2025 11:12 am

Ahoy 👋

If you're anything like me, you wonder if you're using 3ds Max to the... MAX.

That’s why I am working through explaining what every single Modifier in 3ds Max does. Today is Part 3 going from letters H > M.

3️⃣ 10 AWESOME 3ds Max Modifiers You Don't Use... (But You Should) | 3ds Max Tips and Tricks

The video covers HSDS, Lathe, Lattice, Linked XForm, MapScaler, MassFX RBody, Material, MaterialByElement, mCloth and Melt 


If you want to check out Parts One and Two (A>H), you can find them here.

1️⃣ 13+ 3ds Max Modifiers (that you'll actually use!) EXPLAINED

Affect Region, Array, Attribute Holder, Bend, Boolean, Camera Map, Cap Holes, Chamfer, Cloth, Crease, Crease Set

2️⃣ 11 Essential 3ds Max Modifiers You’ll Actually Use!

Data Channel, Delete Mesh Modifier, Delete Patch Modifier, Disp Approx, Displace Modifier, Edit Mesh, Edit Normals, Edit Patch, Edit Poly, Face Extrude, FFD, Flex Modifier

The goal is to have all the modifiers demoed in one place.

I hope this helps.

Render On!



I'm launching a beta cohort of my new coaching programme The Future-Proofed 3D Artist in the coming months.

I’m looking to work closely with a small group (max 10) to become full-time future-proof 3d artists. It’ll be hands-on, with direct coaching, accountability, and a strong network of like-minded artists.

There will be a 50% discount for this early group of students.

If that sounds like something you're interested in, fill out the application form here.
