New Year New Plugins

Jan 08, 2023 5:28 pm

Ahoy 👋

I hope you're having a great start to the new year. I wanted to let you know about my latest video: "My Top 10 Plugins that Every 3ds Max Artist Should Have in Their Toolkit".

In this video, I share my favorite plugins for 3ds Max that have saved me a ton of time and made my work a lot easier. I think these plugins will be super useful for anyone using 3ds Max, whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist.

With the new year comes new opportunities and new challenges, and I hope these plugins will help you to tackle them head-on and create some amazing work. So why wait?

🎥 Watch: Boost Your 3D Art with These Must Have 3ds Max Plugins 2023


If you have any questions or feedback, just let me know. Thanks for being a subscriber, and here's to a fantastic new year!

Render On!

