The second best time to update your portfolio

Jan 15, 2021 3:02 pm

Hi ,

I hope you are having a great week. We are halfway through January, are you still on track for what you wanted to achieve?

The best time to update your portfolio was last year. The second best time is now. 🌳 Give your portfolio an update. Watch the latest version of the Exterior Visualisation course. I added 5 hours of new content that will give your workflow a huge boost.

If you are already on the course check it out. If you are not on the course yet, here is a discount link. Add professional exterior visuals to your portfolio (Udemy) or watch on Skillshare for FREE.


If you enrol in any of my courses you will get lifetime access and that includes all future updates. You will notice that the Interior V-Ray course got 5 hours of new content a few months ago.


The Introduction to V-Ray course got an update after I received my Official V-Ray Mentorship. We are on this journey together, as I grow you grow!

With all the courses I want them to be the best on the subject. I want you to be able to learn in a simple and understandable way. So you can get more and better clients. If you would like to take any of the courses here are some discount links. (They are only valid for five days)

Or you can access all the courses on Skillshare free for 14 days using this link.

Have a great weekend,

Render On!


PS. Check out the YouTube Channel 📺
