βš™ Simplicity and Systems: Part 2 of 4

Jan 05, 2022 9:55 am

Ahoy there,

🌍 Since leaving Monaco I traveled the world and worked with some amazing brands, including VW, Kia, Grundig, Google Cloud, and The Times.



πŸ‘Ž But it hasn't always been that way. In the beginning, not every project went to plan.

βš™ The reason was I didn't spend time thinking about what I was doing. I had no system. I would fire up 3ds Max start modeling, add objects, make materials, add some lights, hit render and prey the image looked half decent.


πŸ™ You don't need me to tell you that this isn't the most effective way of tackling a project.

πŸ— Want to know the key? Simplicity and Systems

  • Before Simplicity and Systems: Projects feel scattered, quality is inconsistent, it's tough to see where things stand, and people are stressed.
  • Using Simplicity and Systems: Everything's organised, you're on top of things, the process is clear, and a sense of calm sets in.

With simplicity and systems, you can create decent work consistently. Clients pay for consistency, not the odd good image. Clients need to know you are reliable and will deliver every time.


πŸ–Ό Consistency beats good images. Here is a quick article on the 3 steps to being able to deliver top-quality images consistently to clients.

πŸ‘ Thanks again for joining the journey to mastering 3d rendering. I will be in touch soon.

πŸ“§ Do you have systems you use in your workflow? (hit reply)

Render On!

