The Secret To Creating Opportunities

Sep 30, 2021 1:43 pm

Hi there,

I hope the last email inspired you to take some action this week?

When you need to give a presentation, the best way to ease your nerves is to practice. The same goes for your 3d career. If you have been putting off applying for a job or publishing your work. Then, please, take some action this week.

Practice a skill you feel weak on and get used to publishing work. Because if not now, when!?


Why take a course?

Think about it, you learn the skill ONCE, and then use it over and over and over again, for YEARS. This is multiplying your investment.

3d has allowed me to see the world and work with some incredible brands and companies.

The secret is the more I learn and create the more opportunities come up.

Today, you can watch my BEST 3d courses free on Skillshare...


Render On!

