Perfectly Productive

Conquer Procrasination In 2023!!!

Thank you for subscribing to Ruth's amazing 5th Annual January Bundle, this year it's all about New Year New Habits. We're still in the first month of 2023 so let's start it off right, putting the ups & downs, the trials and failures of the last two or 3 years well and truly behind us. Going into business and life in 2023 with a fresh attitude, a renewed passion and rock solid mindset that you are Unstoppable when you put your mind to it, you CAN achieve ANYTHING!

Do you want to learn how to develop a laser sharp focus to more done? 

Do you want to learn how to break your habits, regain a deep focus and avoid multi -tasking? 

Do you want to learn how to prioritize your projects to get them done? 

According to Harvard University researchers Matthew Killingsworth & Daniel Gilbert – “about 47% of people's waking hours are spent doing anything except being in the moment and focusing on the current activity…” 

Another current research study shows that over the past 30 years, procrastination at 

least occasionally has quadrupled with a whopping 95% of those polled. Also 52% procrastinate regularly with 20% of all students saying they are chronic procrastinators. 

This means you’re not alone! 


Are you sick of not getting things done, failing, and... 

- Feeling overwhelmed by too many projects? 

- Not succeeding because you're not taking action? 

- Not taking action because your mind is scattered? 

Most likely you have these problems because your mind is distracted by too many things. 

We've all been there. 

And this leads to chronic procrastination!

Many a time, besides distractions, this is because of our habits. 

Yes, we have habits and weaknesses that make us fall into a never-ending loop of distraction traps. 


Below are a bundle of resources in order to help get you into the frame of mind for sucess, comquer procrasination and become an unstoppable force:

Conquer Procrasination Guide

❌Stop! You may have just opened this and immediately told yourself that you will read it tomorrow…when you have more energy, time, or whatever other excuse popped into your head. It is time to procrastinate on procrastination. Read this now and discover how to destroy procrastination and prosper.💰

Procrastination is a dream destroyer. We all desire success, love and happiness in our lives, yet we allow procrastination to step in and put everything on hold. As we do it, we ask ourselves questions that we already know the answers to, such as, “Why can’t I find my soul mate clients?” When we ask that question, we already know it is because we didn’t put ourselves out there or change the things that we needed to work on. Instead we told ourselves that, “it will be hard, what if I get rejected?” 

Procrastination in many cases comes down to us believing that doing the action will be painful and we need more time to prepare. When we delay, we dismiss. The next day arrives and we go through the cycle of, “it will be better tomorrow, I will have more energy and if I sleep on it today, I will knock it out of the park tomorrow.”

Does this sound like you???🤔

I have an 12 page guide full of my best tips and tricks to Conquer Procrasination ....📖

In this guide, you will learn why you procrastinate and how to set yourself up, to give procrastination a one-way ticket to…destination unknown, never to return.🎟

Read the guide. Do it now!

Replace Procrasination With Willpower Masterclass

And then listen to the half hour masterclass on how to replace procrastination with will power, guaranteed to shift your mindset and get you results this year by implementing these new habits!

Never before have these products been combined to kick a more powerful punch. Get this bundle exclusively as part of Ruth's New Year New Habits Bundle!

So what are you waiting for, click the button below and let's get started!

Lisa x

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