Clara James Tutoring

Exams are looming but you're not sure how to revise.

Do I revise everything in some detail or just somethings in a lot of detail, and hope it comes up?

Should I revise all day or can I just revise for a short while?

How do I revise!

The ideas in this download are those that have been suggested to me by other students like yourself in the past 12 years of tutoring, from my degree and 20+ years of working in education, from my own experiences as a mum and student myself.

I can remember when I was 16 working towards my GCSE's I was on a mission to prove to the world I was as clever as my brother is (side note: I'm not, but as an adult I've realised very few people are). It paid off and I did well but I burned out in the process, after I finished I slept for 48 hours straight.

The thing is, no matter your final result if you can walk into that exam hall knowing that you have done everything in your power to do your best, you should be proud of yourself, and those around you that care about you will be proud too.

Being proud of yourself is what is most important. Whether you want to do well so that you never need to study that subject again, or because you love that subject and you want to take it further may be work in that field one day, just know that you have done your best.

Good luck and I hope that these suggestions help.

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