The Top Tips to Build Resilience : Live Masterclass

May 27 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm UK / 17h France

Feeling anxious, fearful or stressed?

Need some guidance on how to calm down & focus?

Want to use this moment as a turning point toward more growth?

The whole world is being called to wake up to the toxic lifestyles and habits that have led us to burnout, breakdowns and planetary devastation.

We all need to build our personal resilience in order to have any chance at helping others and mother earth.

Join resilience researcher and trauma recovery expert, Dr. Andrea Pennington, for a free live Masterclass on how to build personal resilience. As shared in her bestselling book, The Top 10 Traits of Highly Resilient People, we have the potential to bounce back after stress, trauma and adversity.


We were born with the basic capacity for resilience, so if we focus on building these 10 traits we can develop a stress resistant personality. Actions we take today to build resilience will help us in the moment to reduce stress, increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence while we prepare for an inspiring future filled with post-traumatic growth.

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