Your Question, My Answer-Second Q&A!

Hello everyone!  Today is a special day. I’m hosting the second Q&A for this blog to celebrate the upcoming 1st anniversary of Cross Culture Girl. Thank you all for your ... The post Your Question, My Answer-Second Q&A! first appeared on Cros...

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Jul 04, 2024
Kenting Journey: Exciting Last 3 days

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the third post of our family’s trip to Kenting! For the past two weeks, I wrote post 1 and post 2 on our trip. If you ... The post Kenting Journey: Exciting Last 3 days first appeared on Cross Culture Girl.

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Jun 27, 2024
Kenting Journey: Second Day Adventure

Hello Friends!  Two weeks ago, I wrote the first (out of three) blog posts about my family’s trip to the sunny beach town of Kenting in the south of Taiwan. ... The post Kenting Journey: Second Day Adventure first appeared on Cross Culture Girl.

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Jun 20, 2024
Kenting Journey: First Day Highlights

Hello Everyone!  Our whole family went traveling last week! We went to our all-time favorite vacation place in Taiwan– Kenting. The sunny, beach-filled vacation town in the south of Taiwan. ... The post Kenting Journey: First Day Highlights first app...

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Jun 06, 2024
My Memorable Piano Journey

Hello Friends! I have been playing the piano for about 5 years now. The journey was not all smooth sailing, and I didn’t always have the same teacher. Fridays used ... The post My Memorable Piano Journey first appeared on Cross Culture Girl.

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May 30, 2024
Summer Activities, Dishes, & Thoughts

Hello Friends! Summer is here. Taiwan summers are hot, humid, and, truth be told, not my favorite season weather-wise. But, there are definitely some things I enjoy about the summer! ... The post Summer Activities, Dishes, & Thoughts first appear...

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May 23, 2024
Teaching Kids the Art of Cooking?

Hello, Friends!  Have you ever wondered, “What’s the best age to start cooking in the kitchen?” Or, “If kids cook in the kitchen, won’t it be dangerous?” Well, if you ... The post Teaching Kids the Art of Cooking? first appeared on Cross Culture Girl...

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May 16, 2024
This Country Girl’s Many Injuries – 2

I had the dreadful sinking feeling… I started crying when she said that. I had never been to the ER…I was rushed into the cold operation room… Hello Everyone!  Today, ... The post This Country Girl’s Many Injuries – 2 first appeared on Cross Culture...

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May 09, 2024
This Country Girl’s Many Injuries

Hello Friends!  In today’s post, I’d like to share an interesting topic with you – my history of injuries!  Most of our friends in Taiwan have never broken a bone ... The post This Country Girl’s Many Injuries first appeared on Cross Culture Girl.

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May 02, 2024
Lots Of Hair In This Family

Hello friends!  Welcome back to another blog post. In this post, I will share how our large family of 7 girls deals with long and short hair. I will also ... The post Lots Of Hair In This Family first appeared on Cross Culture Girl.

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Apr 25, 2024