BlockchainSupperClub | The Jazz Set: News & Updates

Sep 15, 2021 3:40 pm






The week started just fast and is ending fast! I hope you are safe and sound. This is the current happenings with our platform(s). Check out the great content. All of it is very impactful!

Best to you and yours,

Keith Hill

In this Newsletter:

  1. The Jazz Set Social at the Artisan 'Fashion Set September' (Thursday, Sept. 23rd)
  2. BlockchainSupperClub Podcast Ep 13 - LunarCrush and CoopCrowd
  3. Blockchain Supper Club Team: Helping People Access Life-Changing Funds through Giving. It's Cooperative Crowdfunding

Click on the banners and links for more information and tickets!







Purchase Now!


2. BlockchainSupperClub Podcast Episode 13 - LunarCrush and CoopCrowd

3. Blockchain Supper Club Team Helping People Access Life-Changing Funds through Giving. It's Cooperative Crowdfunding!


Click Banner

Give, Share and Receive Your Way to Wealth!

By now, you've seen this little section of the JazzBlast and reference made to CoopCrowd. Most people have not taken a look to see why this appears in our newsletter. It's simple. BlockchainSupperClub was created to help people build wealth through innovative Fin-Tech, DeFi and Blockchain strategies. Cooperative Crowdfunding is the easiest method for achieving your financial freedom. But, most people don't slow down to take a look to see what it is. I'm committed to breaking through the noise in your life to help you see what we've discovered. Just as we've seen 'disruptive' cooperative change our ways of doing things. This is the same thing happening in the Crowdfunding space. You know how AIRBnb, Uber/Lyft, IndieGogo, Kickstarter, etc have helped people the world over. Well, don't be the last to see what is now in front of you. Be a leader. Step up for your family today! All it require of you is three steps:

Remember, you can always see catch up on everything that we're doing and access any important information by visiting my Taplink:
