From the Founder's Desk | Keith Hill

Mar 27, 2021 12:05 am



UptownJazzDallas | ThisIsJazz.Live | CreativeHill | BlockchainSupperClub

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since my last communiqué with you. I pray all is well with you and yours as we all go forward from this pandemic. A lot has taken place over here with us and it's all good. I want to launch right into some things that I want you to know about.

  1. The Debut of BlockchainSupperClub International
  2. Apply for Your Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from the SBA
  3. DrJada | LMHC debuting on new TBS show The Big D
  4. DHF Still Solid in Compound Interest Savings Strategy
  5. Want to Learn More? Visit our 24/7 Virtual Airmeet Venue.

First, I want you to keep track of what we're doing with Lifestyle Strategies and our efforts to educate in the blockchain, active/passive income space. Use my taplink for the latest updates and information. It's my personal micro-site:


Until next time, experience your abundant life!

Keith Hill


The Debut of Blockchain Supper Club (BSC) International:

I'm happy to announce the introduction of our new lifestyle platform. I'm putting the final touches on the pre-launch aspects of the BSC communications platform. This all came about as I was looking for a way to incorporate everything I do in entertainment, lifestyle, culture and Financial-Technology (Fin-Tech) under one banner. BlockchainSupperClub is the banner under which it's all coming together. Look forward to more info and analysis of new blockchain technologies that are emerging to give us never before experienced opportunities to earn stable incomes and legacy wealth for our families. It's an exciting time and we're leading into the next era with a unique focus on 'prestige brands' and experiences in "Lifestyle, Culture, Entertainment and Blockchain Finance". You're already subscribed to these newsletter updates (obviously) so just kick back and wait on the updates! If you're reading this because a friend forwarded it to you.

>>> Opt-In for Update now by clicking HERE.



Apply for Your Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from the SBA

I recently applied for the new Forgive-able SBA PPP loan using this great new app by Womply. For once, they've given us all a program that is Gig-worker friendly (musicians, production crews, drivers, security, contractors, freelancers, etc) and it only took me 5-minutes to apply. The program ends when the money runs.

Apply now! And, you can also use my taplink (my personal micro-site) above, 'scroll' to the Featured Announcement block and proceed. Share my link with everyone you can. There's still time. This is definitely for real and can help if you if you or your business was affected by the pandemic. You can apply for up to $20K in this program. Don't delay. Share my link with as many people as you can who you think could benefit from it.




DrJada | LMHC debuting on new TBS show The Big D


I'm so proud to share some of the great things happening in our family. My wife, Dr Jada | Licensed Mental Health Counselor has joined the team of former Bachelorette Joelle Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers (whom she selected) from the 2016 ABC hit tv show to host the (now in production) show called The Big D. Everyone is currently in Costa Rica taping all of the episodes which will debut on TBS end of Summer to Fall. Let's pray for Jada's success as she is the 'resident" Relationship Expert and Coach. You can see her updates on her Instagram Profile. I'll also be doing a 'special' Airmeet with her soon to discuss the show and her experience working with everyone in Costa Rica.



DHF Still Solid in Compound Interest Savings Strategy

Don't look but now but DHF, the autonomous Decentralized Hedge Fund is still doing great things. You may remember my recap of strategies from 2020. In it we saw DHF yield 164% YTD returns on balances and it continues to produce at ATH (all-time highs). That was a little under 14% compound interest each month hitting your balance. I love it. It's time to be your own bank!

Now, here in 2021, we're continuing to see the success of this platform with our personal position. CLICK HERE to review for yourself what the possibilities could be for you. Or, go straight to DHF using our referral link:



Want to Learn More? Visit our 24/7 Virtual Airmeet Venue.

See what's been happening or being featured between our "Live" Airmeet Sessions? You can access our 24/7 online venue HERE. When you get there, register using your email and 'enter in'. You'll be greeted with options. If no one is there to do a 'live' presentation with you, just select the ARENA tab at the top. From there you can select which booth to enter. Each Featured booth has special educational video about the presented brand. Learn then ask question, you can click on the Resource Links and Request Information link for a follow up from me or other team members. Enjoy!



Share the Experience. Forward to other Friends.


My friends, all investments inherently have risk. I'm not a Financial Advisor. Keith Hill and BlockchainSupperClub does research and analysis to assist interested parties in determining how to maximize profits and/or reduce losses. All final investment actions on your part are yours "exclusively" and could result in you making or losing money. Keith Hill and BlockchainSupperClub are not a broker/dealer, and does not underwrite securities, manage assets or perform investment banking activities. The statements made herein include information obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made and we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The statements made herein contain general information and do not constitute an offer to buy or sell any security. Our goal is to help people establish a legacy for their families so they can help others do the same. Our expectation of you is that you responsibly use any content we provide to do your own due diligence. "In the multitude of counsel there is safety". Seek professional help (when needed).
