Why Having Lots of Money Is A Good Thing...
Jan 30, 2025 4:21 pm
My friend... "Having lots of money is good."
This is a phrase I started saying a few months ago to myself in the mornings, when the unconscious mind is most susceptible to receiving new information.
And I'd like to tell you we have to change our minds if we want to be better with money.
Now I do pretty good with money, but I believe one can always be better. And after taking to repeat this phrase more often, I received more money in the last few months, to my own amazement... I can't say it was due to repeating this phrase alone. I do a lot of other things, but by pollinating this phrase into my mind so early in the morning definitely had an effect.
"You get what you focus on" after all. And "energy flows where attention goes." (Another set of key phrases I like.)
By the way, I post a lot on Facebook.
And a lot of people seem to like and comment on my posts... I've also been encouraged to share more and communicate more with the world around my gifts, beliefs, and ideas. So I wrote something out today which I was inspired to share on Facebook... And then I realized, wait, "I should share this with my friends, clients and readers!" LOL :) So here it is for you...
"Having lots of money is good."
Here's proof that having lots of money is good... A stream of consciousness I felt called to share.
More money for me, means more money for everyone else.
It means more freedom. It means more traveling.
It means more adventures. It means having more fun.
It means more tithing. It more it means more Charities get more money to work on the causes that they care about.
It means that I get to give and get the satisfaction of giving that money to those causes that I care about. It means I make a difference. It means I have more choices. It means I have power.
It means my mouth gets to experience more flavours and different cultures and tastes from all over the world. It means my eyes get to see things they've never seen before. It means I get to hear and smell things I've never experienced before.
It means more luxurious and healthy and delicious meals for me and my body. It means I spend more. It means more jobs for others. It means more service for others.
It means other people and local businesses owners get paid more. It means more money for me to invest. It means more money for me to save. It means more money I invest. It means more passive income gets created for me. It means the more passive income I create, the more freedom I have.
It means more security I feel. It means more abundance I feel. It means I get to share that and pass that feeling on to others.
More money means I am better to others. The easier I am with other people, The more forgiving I am with other people, means I am a better human. And the man I want to be. It means I feel more free. It means I feel lighter and happier. It means I get to share and give more. That means more sharing and giving for the world. That makes the world a better place.
And all of these things are really good things. That means that having more money is a really good thing.
Here is my facebook page if you want to follow me there.
With love,
Michael Santonato
PS: I have an idea I'll be sharing soon to help you improve your beliefs and thoughts around money, to help you receive more if it. Since "You get what you believe" and "You get what you think about most of the time..." ;-)
Stay tuned.