This is a re-invitation because, well a party of one aint no party
Feb 06, 2025 11:20 am
A quick email to apologize if you tried to book for our upcoming AMA with Esther de Ru and found yourself locked out.
Somehow the tech gremlins (aka my sleep deprived brain) limited bookings to a a party of one.
You can now grab a seat as I've fixed the issue and I'm putting the blame for my sleep deprived blame purely at the feet of one very cute new puppy - who is taking up a wee too much of my time at the moment (picture just for sympathy)
Ask Me Anything (AMA) session
This is where you can come hang out with our CEO experts and CEO members to get your questions answered in real time.
And of course these AMAs will be recorded and added to our searchable database in the Hub.
Grab a seat at our first AMA with Ester de Ru
to ask questions about
- Whole body assessment
- Elastic Therapeutic Taping
- Scoliosis
- Diastasis Recti Abdominis
- Communicating with the skin, our outer brain and largest sensory organ, through therapeutic touch, colour, massage, and taping.
It's going to be a party you don't want to miss!