want an expert anwer to a niggling question?

Feb 05, 2025 4:06 pm


Yesterday I told you about our semi-magical plan to help you piece together the puzzle and find the best solution for every kid you work with.

And it may not be a fully magic wand solution, but if you've ever wished it was easier to get a quick answer to some of the questions that keep coming up for you...

I am thrilled to share that we are adding a new way to get expert answers to your questions easier and faster through Clinical Excellence Online.

Our amazing experts are being even more generous with their time,

because they love seeing the progress your kids are making and want EVERYONE to benefit as much as possible ❤️

Here’s how it’ll work:

If you've participated in a CEO session, or watched one, and have a question about something related


If you have a general question that is not child specific, but related to one of our experts area of expertise, you just click a link and ask your question (as a text, audio or video recording - your choice).

We'll share the answers with all our favorite CEO members (that's you of course) and build a searchable database in our Hub so you can revisit the answer at any time!

That link is being built even as we speak, so look out for it coming soon to an inbox near you...

But wait...

There's more!

Each month, one of our experts will jump on a live Zoom for an

Ask Me Anything (AMA) session

This is where you can come hang out with our CEO experts and CEO members to get your questions answered in real time.

And of course these AMAs will be recorded and added to our searchable database in the Hub.

Grab a seat at our first AMA with Ester de Ru

to ask questions about

  • Whole body assessment
  • Elastic Therapeutic Taping
  • Scoliosis
  • Diastasis Recti Abdominis
  • Communicating with the skin, our outer brain and largest sensory organ, through therapeutic touch, colour, massage, and taping.

Check Date and Time HERE

How much does this cost?

A total of $0.00

because you're already a CEO member and once you are in - you are in at no extra cost ever!!

but even though it's dollar free, it doesn't mean it's FREE FREE!

There is a brain energy and time cost.

Because if you don't make the effort to think about what questions you need answered,

and then make the time to join an AMA or send your questions in,

you're making it sooo much harder to maximise your potential - and help your kids reach theirs. Not to mention the added value your questions bring to the CEO community.

Trust me - if you've got a question about it, so does everyone else!!

We need your brilliant questions and your inquiring minds at our AMA sessions to make the most of the generous time and wisdom offered by our CEO experts.

Your really do have a team of expert in your back pocket, so take them out, dust them off and make CEO work for you!

We want to make it sooo easy to have excellence at your fingertips every single day!


  • Progressing your CEO sessions faster and with more clarity without waiting to book and coordinate a whole new session

  • Digging deeper into concepts and ideas that catch your attention in the CEO videos

  • Growing your skills, confidence and understanding as you ask the questions that help you connect the dots and apply the theory to your real world practice.

…and you’ll gain tons of momentum, which means your kids and families are going to LOVE you even more!!

So start thinking about your questions - links to follow soon

AND check times and grab your seat here for our first AMA

>> https://bookus.page/wiredon/Mindy/ama-with-esther-de-ru

Can't wait!!

