Explore the Unseen Realities with Guy S. Needler 🌟
Sep 20, 2023 9:11 pm
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Are you ready to dive into a world of possibilities and unlock the mysteries of manifestation?
Our latest podcast episode is out, and it's a mind-bending conversation you won't want to miss.
In this episode, we have the privilege of sitting down with Guy S. Needler, a prolific author known for works like "The History of God" and "Beyond The Source." Guy shares insights from his newest book, "The OM: The Uncreated Creations," where he explores the boundaries of reality and the boundless potential that awaits us.
Key Highlights:
- ✨ Gain insights into Guy’s new book: "The OM: The Uncreated Creations"
- 🔍 Take a deeper look into the concepts of truth and falsehood
- 🌟 Discover what "success" truly means according to our higher selves
- 🤖 Explore the distinctions between human intelligence and artificial intelligence
- 💫 Uncover the essential elements behind the art of manifestation and how we can remove barriers
- 🔄 Learn how to override limitation programs and consciously shape your reality
- 🌐 Understand the profound impact of collective beliefs on our individual experiences
This episode is a journey through the uncharted territories of consciousness, intelligence, and the collective tapestry that we all contribute to.
Ready to broaden your horizons and gain fresh perspectives on life's biggest questions? Tune in now and join the conversation.
Get ready to expand your mind, challenge your beliefs, and explore the limitless potential of your reality.
Don't Miss Our Previous Episode Featuring Tom Cowan
Spirituality 101: Spiritual Foundations to Embody Inner Stillness
What comes to mind when you think of the word spirituality? Does the soul come to mind? Does it include subjects like forgiveness, releasing the past as to live presently, and/or having an awareness of something much larger than your local, conscious self? Spirituality from one point of view, has a theory and direct experience aspect. Almost everything starts with theory, and for good reason. Theory is that which introduces us to ideas; new ideas, concepts, and possibilities. It’s a way of preparing us for taking that which is on paper or an idea, and making it a reality.
Religion, for example, is a good, basic start to spirituality from a theoretical point of view. It brings us awareness that there’s a Creator, a Source to our lives and this experience. It offers us scriptures, some which are in fact quite powerful, and transformative to those with some developed awareness. But here’s where religion has its limitation: it’s theory. What the soul is after, your soul, is direct experience; to know itself experientially while with the physical body.
Here’s where things get interesting. The thinking mind or ego, loves theory. It wants to absorb information, and create more and more beliefs. Because the ego cannot evolve, because it’s illusory, it seeks to grow, not through awareness, but through the gathering of more thought, more emotion. Let’s be clear; the ego is identified with, as we identify completely with the physical body. And through that identification, we close ourselves off to our true nature, our true self, our spirituality.
The soul on the other hand, has no use for theory as it’s beyond it. Never yielding to this world or its teachings, the soul is transcendent of religion. It seeks only to know itself, the highest self in this reality. This is accomplished through direct experience; being conscious and aware of inner stillness. Inner stillness is the vibrational frequency of The Mind of God or Source Energy. Being in tune with this frequency through meditative practice brings the theory of Source, and transforms it to direct experience; into one’s reality.
Shifting from theory to direct experience is a natural progression. It’s a stream that follows the expansion of consciousness. In a way, theoretical spirituality can be viewed as 3D (third dimensional) to 4D (fourth dimensional) awareness; operating from ego to the point where what is thought as true, begins to be questioned. 5D or fifth dimensional reality would equal direct experience, a oneness with spirit that is a reflection of the unification of all three aspects of ourselves; mind, body and soul.
It’s important to note that one level of awareness is not better than another. The same goes for theory vs direct experience. Each level of awareness serves a purpose in one’s spiritual growth and everyone is on their own specific soul journey. For some, the theory level of awareness may last until someone’s into their late twenties, mid-thirties, or even into their fifties, and beyond. For some, they never get past the theory of spirituality. It all depends on a few key factors: desire, and a willingness to shift, and the spirit of surrender. There are those who have had a taste of 3D, and decide that they’ve had their fill and are ready to experience that which is not possible while clinging to 3D reality. Everyone is on their own spiritual timeline.
The purpose of this article was to highlight the two sides of spirituality. And to reveal that there’s more to spirituality than just concepts-direct experience of inner stillness, and the gifts found within it are possible. There is an awareness that is possible, an inner experience where one transcends theory, goes beyond the thinking mind, and enters into the realm of spirit, the quantum field of reality. A direct communion with the highest self, theory is no longer needed in this awareness as one is tuned into universal or cosmic consciousness, and the clarity, wisdom and understanding that it offers.
If you have the desire, and are ready to make a quantum leap from spiritual theory to knowing, and direct experience, I may have what you're looking for. I am preparing to offer a live, online four-week program that is power-packed with spiritual insights, tools, and strategies to propel you forward in your spiritual journey. Understanding the current turbulent times humanity is currently facing, I was called to create this comprehensive, foundational, and practical program that's needed to navigate the current environment, and beyond.
If you are the slightest bit interested in having a direct experience with spirituality and stillness then click the link below to join the waitlist for more information.
Reclaim Your Power To Heal!
For Mama (and Papa) Bears that cringe whenever they’re told that their ONLY option is to take a medication!
If you want to ignite your maternal/paternal 6th sense and know how to manage a myriad of common health challenges using powerful, time-tested natural therapies…this is for you!
A comprehensive, 6-week online natural health program giving you the exact step-by-steps so you can ignite your own natural healing ability and take your power back to heal health challenges without medications.
FLFE: An Innovative and Powerful New Technology
Find out how Focused Life Force Energy harmonizes conscious-lowering EMFs and provides more positive energy in your space.
Experience FLFE with a FREE 15-day trial. No credit card or billing information is needed to do the trial! I was gifted 15 days of FLFE, and wanted to share this with you.
Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) Basics
FLFE works with Dr. David Hawkins principal on levels of consciousness. This principle says that everything (in the physical realm, at least) has a level of consciousness that can be measured on a scale of zero to 1,000.
Negativity, in all its forms (apathy, shame, guilt, anger, fear, even pride) fall below 200… positivity—courage, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, peace and enlightenment… all start around 200 and move upward toward 1,000. The typical level of consciousness of a sacred site might range from 550 to 650, which would be the levels of love, joy, peace and transcendence.
Whether you’ve been to a sacred site or can recall moments of love for a partner or a family member — or even the joy of a cat purring or dog wagging its tail — you have had experiences of levels of consciousness OVER 500.
Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE) HOME and EVERYWHERE services raise the field of consciousness to levels of 550+. The average home on an FLFE subscription is 560 and the average mobile phone on the service is around 580. This is profound!
The EVERYWHERE mobile phone service has become especially popular in order to bring our negative EMF mitigation program everywhere you go. In other words, the phone can go from a negative, unsupportive energetic influence, to a positive, life-supporting source of energy.
For a deeper understanding of levels of consciousness and its many nuances, we highly recommend reading books by Dr. David Hawkins, including Power vs. Force, Letting Go and others.
Check out our preferred Air Purifier that we use in our home
To your journey of inspiration and health,