Surprise HUGE Bonus From Jiulio!

Sep 22, 2023 4:31 pm

Dear ,


Hope you’re having a great Wednesday!


These have been some very transitional and turbulent times that we have all experienced over the past few years. For many of us on the spiritual path, our priorities and focus in our lives has changed. Personally, I have taken the time to really stay present, enjoy the moment with family and friends, seeing the gifts in all that life offers.


What has been taking place in the outer world over the last 3+ years, has also reminded me take my level of self-responsibility to a higher level. That’s not to say a particular outside system can’t be used when needed, but it has really hit home that being self-responsible, in mind/body/spirit has become essential.



When you know who you are, and what your potential is, YOU shift into higher states of awareness, embodying who you are spiritually, the YOU that is transcendent of limitations.


As you become more aware of your spiritual nature, and the transformative potential and capabilities that dwell within, you will be able to approach life, and any challenge that arises, with greater confidence, and certainty-through knowingness.


Having the spiritual insights, tools, and strategies to meet adversities head on, gives you the capability to move mountains. Through the clarity that comes with spiritual sight-both inner and outer, you begin to release the resistance, and flow with the current, as you continue to cultivate faith, and trust in the process.



Surprise BONUS

A 45 minute one-on-one Mastery session with me. At the end of the course I will do a draw and randomly choose one of the class participants to have a one-on-one self mastery session with me. This is a normal retail value of over $200.

Having spent over 15 years cultivating, and embodying inner stillness consciously, I have been blessed to be able to share profound insights, and spiritual concepts, assisting those seeking change as they navigate their inner and outer worlds.


I’m incredibly excited to share what I know-to assist and guide you into higher states of awareness, allowing you to release that which no longer serves you, as you step into the next grandest version of yourself. Potential is what we’ve all been given-it’s up to us to become aware of it, and activate it in a wholistic approach-through mind/body/spirit.


Come and join the Spirituality 101: Spiritual Foundations to Embody Inner Stillness Course.

The insights you’ll be offered and the clarity to live an empowered life will pay dividends beyond your imagination.

I Can't Wait!!


What are you waiting for?

You have until Saturday at midnight to Join the once in a lifetime beta launch with my personal, LIVE mentorship as well as the community Facebook group.

Once the beta round is over and the content is complete, I’ll never offer it with this degree of personal mentorship at this price again.


The time to make personal changes is always now. See you soon!

Join Now!


A thousand blessings,

