Sound Familiar?

Sep 21, 2023 2:01 pm

Hello ,

In talking to my students, and even friends, I have discovered a recurring theme: when they experience negative thinking-inner roadblocks-they find themselves getting stuck in that vibrational field, often longer than they’d like.

Here’s the thing: we have a choice. We can react to those negative thoughts and emotions, thereby perpetuating them, or we can take a step back, and observe them, essentially starving them of our vital life force.


When we react to our inner dialogue, we perpetuate the cycle of living between past and future, and that is in essence, what keeps many of us stuck-preventing us from experiencing the joy and happiness that comes from our inner being. Even triggers, being reminded of a past hurt or trauma through sight, or even a comment, or phrase, can bring up old emotions, and the pain that follows.

Getting caught up and identifying with the loop of past and future, is what can keep us from moving forward, preventing us from embodying who we are spiritually, and coming into alignment with our grandest vision for our lives.

Awareness is key when it comes to personal transformation. And that includes having an awareness, and understanding of cause and effect.

When we forget that we’re responsible for manifesting our life experiences, that our thoughts, words, outlook, and vibrational frequency is what shapes our lives, we leave ourselves victims of our circumstances, and outside forces, which include our relationships.

Operating through the outside world-in, instead of the inner world-out sets us up for:

  • The repeating of cycles of past and future
  • Disappointment when we place our happiness in other’s hands
  • Creating more stress in our lives through reaction
  • Negative impacts on the various facets of our lives, which can include our relationships, finances, and even health.


The point I’m trying to get across is that we don’t have to remain stuck, allow ourselves to be impacted by circumstances, or the outside world. We can make the decision to stand centered, in our power, and live more empowered, from the inside-out.

In giving my students the insights into the conditioned mind, and the tools and strategies to turn the tables on fear, they have been able to take inner roadblocks, and challenges, and transform them into reminders, SIGNALS, to re-awaken, and come into the present, back into balance.


Thankfully, I have been able to offer these insights to thousands of people, because when we can become empowered and equipped to face fear, and the limitations that project from it, we can make powerful forward shifts, making inner potentials-possibilities.

My teachings regarding this are so essential and one of the most important things that I will teach everyone in my Spirituality 101: Spiritual Foundations to Embody Inner Stillness LIVE 4-week online course.

It's important to know, and remember that you are the one manifesting your destiny, and that you already have the spiritual tools and faculties, to make your life a spiritual success.

Some other good news is that there are many spiritual tools, strategies, and intentions, that can assist you in making positive, and powerful shifts in your life. I will be offering several of my favourite strategies and tools so that you know, and are equipped to face any personal challenge or adversity with greater confidence, as you consciously align with the next grandest version of yourself, and as you shift into a more desirable timeline!


If any of the following sound familiar:

  • You don’t want to remain stuck between past and future or the limitations that the egoic thinking mind offers…but wonder if there’s another level of awareness available to you.

  • You want to move forward with greater confidence, with greater certainty as you manifest your life…but you get caught up in the waiting, in the how and when.

  • You haven’t been able to maintain higher vibrational states…and you’ve thought about getting support from an expert who has had success not only in his own life, but has shared the same successful blueprint with others.

  • You’ve thought about making massive shifts in your life, but you get so overwhelmed at the thought of making lasting change and not knowing where to start.

  • The fear of the unknown, what’s on the other side of fear, or that you’re actually afraid of your own power, has been keeping you in familiar discomfort and unease.

  • You’d love to connect with other like-minded people and share success stories…but don’t know where to find that kind of supportive community.

Spirituality 101: Spiritual Foundations to Embody Inner Stillness is for you!

Check Out The Course Details!

This Beta Round is the only time I’m going to offer these LIVE Q&A Mentoring Classes for this price and these BONUSES…and doors close Saturday, 23rd at Midnight!

You are closer than you think to reclaiming Your Inner Power to Align with Your Highest Timeline

Join Me!



PS…have any questions? Reply back and ask -I’m happy to help!

