Onward and Upward Newsletter - December 2022

Dec 05, 2022 10:58 am



Last week I was invited to partake of luncheon with a local entrepreneur, who rose from poor Irish labourer to landowner-millionaire during his 90 years, and who is seeking a ghost-writer for his memoir. My husband and I were royally entertained. He wanted to meet us both, which I believe was more a question of character assessment than ability, which is fair, considering he would be relating some quite personal anecdotes and asking for advice on whether they should be published! I don't know if I have the job, but if it so transpires, I am going to be very busy next year.

While my husband is in England seeing his 101-year-old mother, I started to work my way through a list of 'things to do'. I got to number two - being this newsletter. Being a self-published author means taking on a lot of administrative tasks that veer wildly away from the core business of writing, and seem to take up an inordinate amount of time. Number one on my list was the task of learning how to make online book trailers. Check out my trailer for The Legend of the Selkie on my website, and on my Amazon page under the 'Author updates' banner. I made one for The Silence of Children, too, which is also on the Amazon page. I'd love some feedback. I have yet to put it on You Tube, which is another platform to get to grips with... For anyone interested, I used OpenShot video editor, which is a great little tool, easy to use once you get the hang of it, and free.


I have been tipping away at the unnamed Irish book for Bookoutre, but hit the midway mire and have been struggling to fight my way back into the light. I had every intention of getting this first draft done by Christmas, but if I'm going to meet my own deadline, I'm going to have to get my skates on!

Legend of the Selkie is going to be free on Amazon on 6th January for a few days. Anyone who hasn't read it yet, or reviewed, this is a gentle reminder.


The Loyalty of Children is scheduled to be published on Amazon on 15th December, in time for some Christmas reading. (I will send out a brief reminder) Thanks to some amazing beta readers and editorial helpers, it is in pretty good shape, but if anyone does find any glitches, please let me know so that I can put it right. Thank you to all those who have placed a pre-order. Let's get those reviews rolling in!

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And a little advance preview of the fourth in series, which is in the planning stage. As you can see, Deirdre is maturing...


This series is gradually creeping up in Amazon's charts, and last month Amazon put The Silence of Children into their Prime Reading selection, which is real kudos and free advertising for me. This has only come about because I have hit some kind of watershed as an author on Amazon's amazingly secret metrics. So, keep clicking on my books please!

The Silence of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Price of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Loyalty of Children: Amazon

*** BOOKS FREE OR ON OFFER (mostly) ***

This first one is something I'm promoting because I enjoyed reading it, and it's set in my part of the world. I met the author the other day at a coffee morning, and discovered that we have a lot in common, including playing Irish traditional music sessions, which feature in the text. This is the first of a trilogy in which contemporary lives clash with those of the old gods. Very well written, and presently on offer at 99 cents. I love the cover.


And the following, from book funnels, I haven't read.

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I don't have time to check every book that comes via a book funnel, or a 'swap' promotion with another author, so if you get a novella (tip: on Amazon you can page down to the book details to check the page count), a sample, a badly written book, or anything else that you find irritating, let the author know, by way of a review; don't shoot the messenger!

Even if you choose not to take any of the books from the offers, do please click on some links - it would help my 'share' statistics! I have actually been refused entry to some promotions as my share rate isn't high enough. The book funnels seem to be dominated by some very aggressive authors, now, which says more about their characters than their writing. I admit to being a social mediaphobe and live in the hope that writing quality beats the ability to bludgeon readers...

Happy Reading


You have probably received this newsletter because you have accepted one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow both my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if not, there is an unsubscribe button below.
