Onward and Upward Newsletter - February 2023

Feb 04, 2023 1:52 pm



After months of incessant rain bringing miserable, cold, overcast days, floods and soggy fields, the sun has finally shown its face. It's amazing how much it lifts the spirits. We've started sowing seeds in the polytunnel to plant out when the threat of frost has diminished. To bring on the seeds that need more warmth to germinate, we built a partially insulated cold frame. The bacterial or microbial action in a base-layer of grass cuttings will raise the temperature several degrees, simply by making use of nature itself; no need for electric heating wires. Did you know that the Victorians used to grow pineapples in compost, and also in their hot and steaming manure pits... Yum!


The Bookoutre editor sounds keen on the novel, set in Ireland, which I've just completed for her. A few editorial changes are being discussed, but she asked, would I be interested in this being the first of a series... Would I? H'm. Have to think about that one! However, it's not a done deal until there is a signed contract, and the editor has yet to put my book and the serial proposal before her 'team'. It always was thus; the author being the least important part of the process. At any stage they could say, 'Sorry, no thanks!'

There's a lot of argument about whether to self-publish, or go with a mainstream publisher, but the joy of having at least one series accepted by a traditional publisher is wider exposure and professional verification of quality; not to mention, hopefully, an income. This series will be women's fiction, more in keeping with Legend of the Selkie, and is in no way similar to the series Suffer the Little Children, which is in the genre of crime-thriller.


Recently, I saw this review on Amazon, regarding the Legend of the Selkie:

imageReviewed in the United States on January 9, 2023

There's a quiet, absolute control to this work. Like the sea beside which the story is set, the currents which stir it are powerful and hidden beneath the surface. It never hurries, drawing us deeper and deeper into the lives of the people of an Irish fishing village. The book calls itself a mystery, and that is true, but the mystery here is not a crime to be solved, but rather the unknowable mystery of the human heart.

Thank you to whoever wrote that. When someone says something so positive it provides a real lift to the writer's spirit; likewise, when the same book receives 1-star ratings without an accompanying reason, it's depressing. Did they not like the book because it wasn't their cup of tea, because they found it boring, or because the book turned up damaged in the post? Over the years, I have left 1-star reviews rarely, for books that are so badly written they should not have been published at all. But I would never leave a bad review without an explanation.

As always, if you review one of my books online and send me a link, I'll let you have another one free! But do make sure to tell me which book you would like to read.

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From starting out somewhere over #80,000 in the Amazon charts just over a year ago (pretty much invisible), the first book in series is now rated:

Keep it going, please. It's all down to you readers. If a few more reviews can shunt it into the top 100 in any category, I stand a much better chance of getting somewhere! Don't make the mistake of thinking this is easy. So far I have spent far more on advertising than I have earned, and given away thousands of copies in the hopes of reviews. Apparently the ratio for reviews is 1 review per 1000 reads. So, if you've had a free book from me, a review would be a huge gesture of reciprocal goodwill. Here are the links again:

The Silence of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Price of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Loyalty of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads


This doctor-turned-vigilante story is free on Amazon. Dr. Robert Fogler is a local hero to his community, a philanthropist, and an anti-gun activist. But a deadly encounter in the emergency room leaves him reeling. Law-abiding citizens need more protection than police can provide. Will he have enough time to use his newfound skills to protect his friends and family? Or is it simply another case of too little, too late?

Transformed: True Justice series Prequel by [D. E. Heil]

"The explosive third instalment in the Angeline Porter Series, brings the heat, intrigue, and grit that we’ve come to love from Valerie J. Brooks, the queen of the femmes-noir thriller." Heather Gudenkauf, NYT bestselling author of The Weight of Silence and The Overnight Guest.


*** BOOKS FREE OR ON OFFER (mostly) ***


I don't have time to check every book that comes via a book funnel, or a 'swap' promotion with another author, so if you get a sample, a badly written book, or anything else that you find irritating, let the author know, by way of a review; don't shoot the messenger!

Even if you choose not to take any of the books from the offers, do please click on some links - it would help my 'share' statistics. I have actually been refused entry to some promotions as my share rate isn't high enough. The book funnels are dominated by some very aggressive authors, which says more about their characters than their writing. I admit to being a social mediaphobe, and live in the hope that writing quality beats the ability to bludgeon my way into readers' kindles.

Happy Reading


You have probably received this newsletter because you have accepted one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow both my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if not, there is an unsubscribe button below.
