Onward and Upward Newsletter - June 2023

Jun 01, 2023 8:52 am



Summer is here. There is an abundance of white Hawthorn blossom, like ice-cream soda bubbling out of the hedgerows. Everyone we speak to agrees it's unusual, beautiful, and strange and, in the light of the global weather changes, worrying.


We have rows of veg planted out from the polytunnel to the garden, and the fruit bushes are laden. We have taken 10 pounds of honey from the bees, who are busy busy busy... The beehive was well stocked, so we moved one brood box onto another hive to see if we can generate a second nucleus. I have two gallons of mead on the go, and with everything in place, we are now planning a break to England to catch up with family before the harvest. I hope my neighbours remember to water the veg! I am actually sunburned from a picnic in our field yesterday afternoon, listening to a discourse on archaeology and Irish history with some intellectual, learned friends.

Update on House Renovations

Presently we're painting the new kitchen, which I'll post in detail next month. This present storyboard is the kitchen we lived with when we first arrived.


(Click on the image)


My novel for Bookoutre has been accepted in principle, and when the editor is back from her holiday, she will send the contract over. I have to produce a second novel by the end of the year, but at the moment I'm allowing myself a summer break, which, as usual, is a working holiday... I am also getting on with the fourth book in the 'children' series, which I hope to have completed to beta stage soon... at which point I will be asking for helpful beta-readers to pick up on storyline glitches and typos.

Follow me on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/chrislewando

As always, if you review one of my books online (preferably on Amazon), and send me a link to the review, I'll let you have another e-book free! But do make sure to tell me which book you would like to review.

The Silence of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Price of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

The Loyalty of Children: Amazon Bookbub Goodreads

*** BOOKS FREE OR ON OFFER (mostly) ***


over 100 free books available for the whole month, so bookmark this email.

(Authors who wish to do a newsletter book swap, respond to this email.)


With her reputation on the line, Detective Pepper has nowhere to turn…

As Detective Emma Pepper struggles to clear her name, all eyes are on her. All of her friends think that she betrayed them, and even Emma has to admit that they’ve got a point. When the press gets wind of these secrets, things only get worse… But who told the press?


Emma’s life turns upside down after finding her husband murdered at their home. With no evidence left at the crime scene and no known motive, Emma is determined to find the person responsible. However, her husband’s death uncovers a secret that leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about him.

* * *

I don't have time to read every book that comes via a book funnel, or a 'swap' promotion with another author, so if you get a sample, a badly written book, or anything else that you find irritating, let the author know, by way of a review; don't shoot the messenger!

Even if you choose not to take any of the books from the offers, do please click on some links - it would help my 'share' statistics. I have been refused entry to some promotions as my share rate isn't high enough; book funnels are dominated by some very aggressive authors. I admit to being a social mediaphobe and live in the hope that writing quality beats the ability to bludgeon my way into readers' kindles.

Happy Reading


You have probably received this newsletter because you have accepted one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow both my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if not, there is an unsubscribe button below.
