Onward and Upward Newsletter

Sep 06, 2020 3:57 pm


Summer seems to be fading in Ireland, with nights drawing in sooner, and a faint chill in the evening air. It only seemed like a few weeks back when we were waiting for summer, but now we're busy harvesting. The Irish farmers are happy out, with good feed in store for the winter, but this year hasn't been good for the Irish gardener. A long, early dry spell caused crops to bolt, followed by a wet and windy few weeks that stripped the trees of flowers and young fruit. Climate change, or just migrating seasons? Who knows. We came to Ireland ten years ago, and every year we think we have it cracked, yet every year the weather gods laugh...

1 Creative Indie

I'm putting Derek Murphy at the top of the list, for those of you who write. Derek is a fount of knowledge on self-publishing. He recently told me my website design was not good, and proceeded to provide a breakdown of why; simply because I asked. During my inauguration into self-publishing I rarely encounter generosity, so in a cut-throat market this deserves mention. Derek knows his stuff, and for those of you who are writers and haven't yet encountered him, his website has a massive portfolio of advice, and some great stuff on cover design. I like to think, after listening to him, that my re-vamped covers have improved, and the website is cleaner, though I have a feeling these are ongoing projects.

2 Story Board - Barloge Bay

We decided to make use of a weekend of fine weather before it was too late, and took a couple of trips out to the coast in the kayaks. We paddled around the coast from Tralispean Beach to Barloge Bay, which leads to Lough Hyne, a unique environment which is now a marine nature reserve. Click the link above to see the story.

3 My Latest Novel

I have just finished my latest novel, and am seeking beta readers. The main job of a beta reader, apart from hopefully enjoying the novel, is to advise the author of any glitches or hiccups in the story line. So if anyone fancies doing this, please email me. I will credit you in the book (if you wish), and also make use of any honest review comments that might (hopefully) arise.


Blurb: Twenty year ago Deirdre's father, a paediatrician was implicated in a child-abduction scandal, which cost him his job, forcing him to change his identity. As an adult, in discovering that he's involved in something decidedly shady, Deirdre confronts the horrific possibility that her father is a paedophile. Loyalties torn, she can't turn a blind eye when a child's life is at stake, and is compelled to learn the truth. But in so doing, she stumbles into a conspiracy that threatens her own life.

4 Free Books

Once again, here is a selection of free books. I can't vouch for the quality, but if you do read a book that you feel is outstanding, do provide the author with that precious online review.





And that's all for this month. If you wish to unsubscribe please do so from the link at the foot, but you're welcome to stay to enjoy my monthly storyboards.

all the best

