Your 99% Discount is About to Disappear - Phew!

Jun 16, 2020 2:31 pm


Onward and Upward Newsletter

The Writers' Infostack offer is about to expire, so this is your last chance... then we'll be back to my usual newsletter with book offers and some personal storyboards, some of which will be about the wild places around us. We love exploring the ancient sites, experiencing echoes of the distant past... I'm well into the old stories (my rewrite of how Amergain became the high poet of Ireland is in the compilation, Death of a Dream), and the native landscapes my partner studies. The image below is an Irish bog-mat surrounding a lake. Vegetation grows from the land out into the lake, and if you walk on it, you can bounce on the mat, which is floating. Care has to be taken to not walk too far out into the lake, as it thins towards open water. I guess it would be a bit like walking on an ice sheet, it you went through, you'd probably drown. As you can see, the reeds are well over seven feet tall. And because the area isn't often visited by humans, the diversity of wild flowers is stunning.


Thank you for not unsubscribing! I've been busy working away on the chicken run, physically rebuilding and repairing and fencing, then creating the storyboard so that you can follow our progress. A fun episode in our lives - and for the chickens, whose home was disintegrating under them!

I promise I won't be sending any more promotions your way for a long while - just a whole bundle of free books to read and review, and, of course, my ongoing storyboards. Thank you for your patience.

All the best

Chris Lewando

Infostack's Final Offer


If you wanted to purchase all the content included in this phenomenal collection separately, you would have to pay more than $4,000+! But for just a few more hours you can scoop up everything in this collection for only $49. Are you ready to dive into 45+ world-class tools and resources created especially to help you launch your writing and publishing career, and learn the secret to writing bestsellers?

Remember, your purchase is covered by Infostack’s 60-day no-questions-asked, full refund guarantee which means you get plenty of time to go through all the content in this incredible offer without any risk when you click Buy. This truly is your last chance to take advantage of this epic collection of smart story crafting guides, professional publishing tools, and proven secrets to bestselling success... 

OK, no more flannel. Last chance. Write Publish Profit 3.0 vanishes tonight. Click the image to take the offer for a spin.
