Onward and Upward Newsletter

Aug 04, 2020 6:53 pm


I'm pretty fed up! I wrote out this newsletter a few days back, but it wouldn't import images, so I saved it, closed everything down, opened my computer again, and like magic it was all gone! We live in an internet dead zone, and to cap it all, my reconditioned computer is on the blink, having gone to the shop twice now in the last month, with no guarantees... OK. Got that off my chest, now to business.

1 My novel - Stations of the Soul


This latest novel is in desperate need of reviews, so if you feel up to giving it a shot, please click the image to collect the complete work from the above link. I have been pleased with the reviews on Amazon so far - all good, save one. It's a conundrum to me when readers assume that the prejudices and manners of the characters in a work of fiction must reflect those of the author. But as they say in UK, there's nowt as strange as folks. If you have left a review of any of my novels anywhere other than Amazon, please send me a link. I'd love to know where you are reviewing, and what you're saying.

2 Storyboard - Houses Lost in Time


Our decision to buy a property in Ireland to renovate took us by surprise, never mind our families. You might be interested to know what prompted this decision, and see some of the wrecks we looked at. Click the image to access the story.

3 Writing Stack - A final blitz

If anyone had an interest in the 'writing stack' that was offered a while back, it's being offered for a few days before closing for good. Click the link above to check it out. If you didn't get the advertising, this comprises a bundle of books on all aspects of creative writing and self-publishing. Next year there will no doubt be another writing stack, but each year it's a different bundle, so this year's stack is on its way out.

4 Free Books

There are two book funnels this month. Please bear in mind that the authors offer these book to you in the hope of receiving online reviews. That small effort would be vastly appreciated by them and by the whole world of independent publishing. Even poor reviews are essential to the Indie trade, in that they assist with overall standards, but in all cases, try to give the author helpful, critical feedback. Click either image to access the listings:



And that's it from me for this month. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can do so from the link below, but you're welcome to stay with me, if only to enjoy my monthly storyboards. I did start by sending twice a month, but it gobbled up too much writing time.

All the best, and keep safe

Chris Lewando
