Onward and Upward Newsletter - January 2022

Jan 03, 2022 5:15 pm



A Happy New Year, One and All

Let's hope this year brings somewhat better tidings than the last. The ongoing COVID virus is still reaping its grim harvest, and escalating what has become a major social problem for many. My own grandchildren, having had their education disrupted too many times to count, are now receiving home schooling until there is an end in sight, but it remains to be seen whether this actually works in practice.

While in UK, caring for my mother after her hip replacement, writing was out of the question. I got frustrated enough to take up something I used to do in my teen years.... Crochet! There were a few bad words as I tried to read the pattern, but the end result was satisfying:


Home Front Renovations

When we bought our Irish wreck it had not been lived in for thirty years, and in that time water had been leaking in through the walls and chimneys. One of the first jobs was to dry it out....


Fiction Update

The sequel to the Silence of Children is nearing completion, and almost ready for beta readers. I will ask for volunteers in a later newsletter - watch this space!

Meantime, I have decided to publish the Legend of the Selkie, which is a more literary offering than my other novels.

When her husband, Colm, is assumed dead after a trawling disaster, Grainne comes to terms with an unexpected pregnancy while mourning the child’s father. When Colm is discovered alive, everyone thinks it’s a miracle, but Grainne is not so sure. Local legend suggests that Colm’s mother was a selkie. Could it be true? Does that mean she will lose her son to the sea? Grainne is brought to life as a determined and strong heroine. This novel, based in West Cork, Ireland, encompasses a deep feeling for the local environment and its people. It is interwoven with myth and legend. The story is an exploration of love and loss in many forms.


This is available free from the link below for a short while. https://dl.bookfunnel.com/vzbx4q054e

Your review would be enormously appreciated:






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If you are new to my list, and would like to post and online review of one of my books online, out my website, and email me. I will send you a link to the book of your choice. I welcome feedback on my writing.

Happy Reading


You have probably received this newsletter because you have accepted one of my books from a promotion. I do hope you wish to continue to follow both my publishing journey, and my storyboards of life here in Ireland, but if not, there is an unsubscribe button below.
