Chris Lewando - verifying contact details

Jan 08, 2021 7:57 pm


Did you receive my latest monthly 'Onward and Upward' email? This contains a book sweepstake (for a free e-reader), book promotions, and updates about my own life and writing.

If you did, and are happy to keep receiving them, thank you so much - I love the positive feedback I'm receiving. It makes me feel less alone in my writing journey. And to those of you who have reviewed my books online, an extra big thank you. It makes a huge difference to a self-published author, as readers don't really take us seriously until we have this social proof from a wider audience.

If you have not opened my newsletter, please do so, and check out the content. (Because of the links and images in the email, you might find it in your junk folder). If you wish to keep receiving these emails, great. If not, perhaps you could hit the unsubscribe button at the foot of the email? Neither of us want to waste each other's time.

Oh, and if you do want to stick with me, and have found my email in your junk folder, you might like to add my email address into your contact list, or 'whitelist' it. ( Your email provider will help you to do that.

For now, have a positive day, a great month, and a rewarding year.

All the best,

from the depths of West Cork, where ice presently sparkles under a cold sun.

Chris Lewando
