I forgot to mention...

Jun 10, 2020 3:00 pm


It was my birthday on Friday. Thirty-one again... The sensational, scented lilies and stocks were from my husband, along with a day of being severely pampered. He cooked a lasagne with home made pasta, served with antipasti, red wine and the works. And our son managed to find a grand bottle of Irish Whiskey. Look closely at the label!


(If you can't read it, it's appropriately labeled: 'Writers Tears'.

Yesterday, I reached out to you to share my excitement about the fantastic resources in Write Publish Profit 3.0. But what I didn’t say was, I was absolutely thrilled when I received confirmation that my book Waymarks for Authors was to be included in this year's Write Publish Profit infostack. Cary and the rest of his team have a rigorous selection process for the tools and resources they include in each of their stacks. They get hundreds of submissions, but only pick a selection of quality ebooks, e-courses, masterclasses, and tools for each collection.

Click the image for more information on the Writers' Infostack.


My only reservation in accepting this honour was that I'm not a particularly pushy kind of person, and the thought of having to go out and actually promote this stack is hugely uncomfortable for me - every new step on this publishing road is pushing my personal boundaries to new limits.

When I first began to self-publish, I knew a bit about writing (I have a B.Ed and a creative writing MA. I've been a writing tutor for the London School of Journalism for many years, and have had many genre novels mainstream published). However, I had no idea about publishing and marketing my own work, and as everyone was trying to sell services I wasn't sure I needed, I'd have loved to have a list of what was truly important, and the know-how to get things moving. That's what I set out to achieve in Waymarks for Authors. It's not a heavy tome; it doesn't give you all the answers. What it does do is clarify the state of the publishing world, and provide a fairly definitive list of things you need to know... each of which may be subsequently explored in depth. Once you can identify your own goals, there are many, many good books and products to choose from; a focused sense of direction was something I had to discover for myself.

Click here to Get my product and 44 other premium tools and resources for $49. With over $4,000 in premium writing and publishing resources before this offer goes away forever at 11:59 EST on Tuesday June 16th.

Upward and Onward Newsletters

One final final word. If you unsubscribe from the following few sales emails, you will be unsubscribing from my Onward and Upward newsletter with its complement of free books, and my storyboard about running a smallholding in the South of Ireland. So, please stay on board. This promotion will last just one week...

All the best

Chris Lewando
