Upward and Onward Newsletter

May 24, 2020 5:35 pm


My best wishes to everyone, hoping you are all surviving the crisis without loss of friends and family. To those who did not, my heart goes out to you. It is, indeed, a strange time, and with implications into the future that we cannot predict. The current lock-down is an unprecedented, historic milestone. Dystopian fiction, as I said in my last newsletter, pales, into insignificance in the face of this momentous event. Never, in the history of humanity, has any government put the safety of its 'little people' before commercial interests, and one has to wonder why it has happened this time. The same government that has the power to send a whole generation of youths to slaughter in a state of war, in order to preserve a social lifestyle, have now upset that lifestyle to preserve a generation of people. I have pondered on this, and wonder whether it is a direct result of the internet. Governments can no longer act in isolated splendor, as everything that is done and said is magnified a million times by the common denominator: we, the little people. Now, I'm not some kind of radical extremist, and I'm actually not a fan of the impermanence of social media, but I do appreciate the fact that individuals across the globe now have the power to sound a collective voice.

Along with some great feedback on my previous Storyboards, I received a single note of irritation, suggesting that the work I offer free, Death of a Dream, is no more than a 'teaser'. Let me explain. Death of a Dream is not a novel, and I have never suggested it is one. Neither is it a teaser. It's a longish short story with possibilities, and was written specifically as a reader magnet, ie, something to give away free to interest people in my full novels. If any of you read this novelette, and would like to read a full novel, you have only to ask. You may have an e-version of any novel, with no obligations. Follow the storyboard link to my website Check out my novels on Amazon or my website, and request the one that takes your fancy, either by responding to this email, or via the contact form on the website. In return, I'd like to believe you will post a review, preferably on Amazon, Goodreads or a platform of your choice (please let me know if you do).

1) Storyboard

When I sent out my last newsletter, I had some really great feedback. I know rhubarb wine isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I did wonder quite how many people would be interested, but these little tidbits are just fun.

Despite social distancing, my partner and I took off to Kerry county for an exploration relevant to his work in paleo archaeology. In the whole day, we met no-one except ghosts from the misty distant past. We encountered an amazing relic of the pre-Christian era, and surveyed a scene reminiscent of a 10,000 year-old landscape. Click on the image for more.


2) My novel, Stations of the Soul, due out 5th June.


Robin is a high flying London executive, on track to an early retirement, he's involved in a horrific multi-car pile-up. Barely escaping with his life, he’s shocked to learn that the incident was caused deliberately, by a man the rags dubbed ‘The Stinger Killer’. Disfigured, damaged and disenchanted with police efforts, he sets out to find the psychotic predator. But the Stinger Killer has plans of his own, and Robin finds himself playing tag with a man whose ambition is far greater than anyone could have guessed.This solid thriller is for readers who enjoy mainstream action with a slice of Stephen King.

If you would like to read and review this novel, click here to download the full work: Stations of the Soul. You can post reviews on Amazon against the paperback version now, or the kindle after 5th June. I'm in the process of a final edit, and can't afford to pay a professional editor, so if you're feeling super generous, let me know of any timeline glitches or typos.

3) And here's your selection of free books (click on the image):

As I haven't read all the books, as usual, I can't guarantee quality, only quantity. Authors rarely get feedback, so if you read a book you enjoy, be kind, and let the author know.



All the best

Chris Lewando

If you wish to unsubscribe, please do so via the link at the foot. But I hope you won't. I'm setting up a raffle over the next couple of months to celebrate reaching a milestone in my writing career. Hang around with me if you want the chance to win a brand new Kindle Fire (which is already sitting here, waiting to be sent out).

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