Get on the list for our power⏱️hour sprints!

If you’re up for more accomplishment, you'll want to get in on these space-making sprints.

Wait, what’s a Space-Making Sprint?! It’s a limited burst of dedicated time + space for working on something important. No prep or experience necessary.

How does it go? We usually start with a splash of insight, keep the time, run the music, and together we sprint! We work on our important things, you work on yours, we get sh*t done. 

How do I get to play along? Just enter your name and email to get on the invite list. We do them every now and then, there's no regular schedule, and they're free. We'll send you an email when we've got one or more scheduled. Don’t you wish more things were this easy?

Can I share this with a friend? Yes, feel free to invite any of your friends and colleagues to this hour of space-making magic — if they’re like you, we’d love to have them!

What if I'm not sure? No problem. Sign up to get the invites. Unsubscribe anytime. You can't really go wrong.

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