🤔$11k in a day? [Free Training]

Feb 21, 2022 10:19 pm

Yo , I got a goodie for you!

Honestly, writing these types of emails brings me joy because sharing wins and lessons are my jam.

Especially when the $11k day win wasn't me--It was one of my coaching clients.

So here's what happened. On Thursday last week, I felt a little down.

I've been in Miramar away from my pregnant fiancé for a little over a week.

It's been tough not being around them. Especially since I haven't gotten the chance to see Sophia's little feet moving around in the tummy. (We're like 27 weeks along now.)

Either way, I decided to go on a walk around the neighborhood to clear my head.

Then 30 minutes into my walk...

It happened.

My phone pinged with a video message from Jack, one of my coaching clients. "Just giving you the official update! $5,000 in the can. She closed. I can feel the winds changing while we're out here dodging Tornados!"

I got super excited and quickly shot him and his wife a video to celebrate their wins for the week.

"Look at you two crushing it! What is this--like $14k this week? This is like the end of January all over again. My gosh. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys closed someone else before the end of the day."

Then less than 10 minutes later, I'm walking up the driveway to my Mom's house, and my phone pings again.

It's his wife, Kara, with another video.

"Speaking of.....I closed Cathleen." She paused for a long moment and looked away from the camera in disbelief.

"Not only did I close Cathleen.....I closed her on the coaching program and she brought the $997 resume package for her sister...What a F&$%ing week."

Honestly, all I could do was stand by my car and smile. I felt like a proud father, overflowing with joy and I kinda wanted to cry.

I wanted to shout and tell everyone I knew what just happened.

Because three days earlier, we sat on Zoom and talked about how they were having a rough start to February.

They were riding high after a killer end to January.

Kara drove out of state for a retreat the first week of Feb so sales weren't rolling in.

Then the following week, they both were scrambling to get back on track.

Kara got back from the retreat, mentally and emotionally drained beyond belief because the clueless organizers reeled her in to play superwoman and save the retreat from descending into complete chaos.

I noticed what was happening and we scheduled two extra sessions earlier in the week to correct course before they started spiraling out of control.

We sat down for two one-on-ones, Kara on Monday---Jack on Tuesday.

Kara and I did an in-depth hypnotic exercise and I gave Jack two small sales tweaks to try.

Then BAM! Like magic, they started closing.

At first, they were back to normal. But it wasn't until they closed three high-ticket deals in the course of an hour that I knew something really had shifted for them.

So I decided to put together a free training that shared exactly what sales tweaks we implemented that caused such a profound change so quickly.

These are normally lessons I reserve exclusively for my high-ticket coaching clients but I wanted to share the 3 Sales Tweaks that Created an $11k Day with you.

Even though Kara and Jack are career coaches, these same tactics can be applied whether you're a high-ticket coach or bomb-ass service-based entrepreneur.

Go check out the free training here while it's still available. Test the tweaks out and let me know how much of an impact it makes on your sales calls this week.

Tap Here to Watch The Training

P.S. Kara and Jack are super private so I'm only sharing the training with select people before I take it down.

-Ryan Hall

Black Valley Digital
