Six - Week Money Saving Course


If you’re struggling to save money then why not join our FREE money saving course that takes you step by step through saving money as a family. All simple steps to help you build an emergency fund or save towards that mega holiday.

This is the perfect time to improve your finances.

With this free email course, we cover everything from setting financial goals to ways to earn some extra money in your free time.

Over the next 6-weeks, you will receive an email that will help you save your family more money. 

The course includes:

  • Day 1: Laying the groundwork
  • Day 2: Create a budget
  • Day 3: Setting financial goals
  • Day 4: List debts and savings
  • Day 5: Reduce outgoings
  • Day 6: Saving money on annual spending
  • Day 7: Increasing your income
  • Day 8: Quick cash hits
  • Day 9: No-brainers
  • Day 10: Thinking outside the box
  • Day 11: Staying motivated
  • Day 12: Choosing the next steps

Remember to check your spam folder and click the link to agree to join. You only have to do this once to make sure you receive all our emails.

This is completely free! You can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking on the link at the bottom of every email.

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