We Lost It!

Jan 26, 2023 2:43 pm

We spent most of last year looking for an office space for Sheda house and we just couldn’t find one. We needed a larger space for expansion, a bigger studio and private offices for some of our staff.

At the point of giving up, we got a place just close to Sheda's house. Great location, we had a four-flat compound to ourselves, a quiet environment, and very affordable. It was an answer to prayers, I had imagined how the studio will look, imagined the amazing images and creative stunts we will perform there 

I remember coming back to Sheda house after going to see the agent to pay and we were met with joy and excitement on the faces of our guys at Sheda house.

We were about to get people to renovate and start work on the house when the House agent called us to come to have our money back. We were shocked, the house owners assumed we were NGOs and didn’t want anything to do with us. We were refunded in full and we were back to point zero. It was devastating and painful but we gathered ourselves and moved on.

Doing business in Nigeria can be hard but every problem is an opportunity to do something right.

In the middle of this disappointment, We decided to start The 2k store online ( Now Sheda Mart), we had planned to have a physical shop in the bigger space but as we didn’t get that, we started online. The Shop had sales of about 2 million in the four months of selling, it was amazing to see.

We launched Reni. store, an e-commerce platform for selling, we have about 100 stores on it. So much work is going on it to improve the platform.

Reniaccounts.com was also launched last year, an accounting platform for individuals/businesses and it was instantly accepted by the market as we launched.

We added Data Analysis, product management, blockchain, and social media management to our courses here at Sheda house and the response has been explosive. We have managed to maximize our space more and it has helped us a lot.

In the middle of the space disappointment, we were able to get things going and growing beyond our expectations.

Today, I want you to know that a loss in an area is not a reason for failure in other areas. You may have been disappointed in an area last year, do not stop trying.

If you lost an opportunity, get up and use your time to prepare for another opportunity. Opportunities usually comes wrapped in problems, do not run from your problem, unveil it and watch how something beautiful can break out of it.

Pick up the dust of your failures today, pain, and disappointment, and create something for yourself. It’s ok to be sad, it’s ok to mourn your loss but never lose the ability to find the blessings in every pain.

The world is waiting for you, I am waiting for you .  

I look forward to hearing amazing stories from you in 2023.

Have a great month

Your friend, Toluade
