One simple way to make yourself happier

Apr 05, 2023 10:37 am

Around this time last month, I was worried about the Potty training thing for Valour, it wasn't about the diaper cost but I wanted to be sure we were not the ones missing the methodology of it. 

To add context to it, Valour is my daughter and she is about 28 months old now, usually, toddlers stop using diapers around this time but for her, she wasn't even showing any sign.

We tried all the methodologies and none worked, instead, the floor of the house was beginning to be her playground for practice.

I remember speaking to her Nanny in school and telling her about my fear of her moving into Nursery 1 where she has to wear a uniform and then wear diapers. 

She emphatically told me that no child gets to that level without mastering toilet training, she was so sure that Valour would get a hold of it soon.

A few days later, we realised any time we picked her up from school, she was without a Diaper, at first we were scared but when we get home, she climb the toilet seat, peed, flushed, and washes her hands.

It was like a miracle, finally, she mastered it. I almost cannot remember that I had fears about this milestone and the way it came effortlessly is a reminder that some milestones will always come with time.

You can't cry away your anger and frustration. The course of time must take place.

Some things will happen at their own time, the time designated and prepared for you. Even now, as I write to you, you can cast your mind on things that you probably were worried about 5 years ago that came effortlessly on their own.

I implore you today to put your mind at rest.

That marriage will come

Your beautiful baby is on their way

That job will soon come

It’s time to take your mind off it and prepare for its coming. Patience is not just waiting, it’s the ability to keep the right attitude while waiting.

You get the chicks out of the egg by hatching it not smashing it on the wall.

Is patience easy? No, it’s not but everything good was first of all hard.

Next time, when your heart starts getting worried and keeps asking 

“When would we get there?”

Just answer “We will get there when we get there, calm down”

I will be here to hear your beautiful testimonies, looking forward to hearing from you.

NB; Our virtual classes have started at Shedahouse, we are excited to have everyone join the Sheda house community from all the corners of the world. To get more information on the courses, please follow us on @Shedahouse on IG and Fb. You can also visit our website

Or send a message to me on whatsapp

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I will love to have you learn and have fun with us.

Your Friend,

Toluade from Sheda House
