I need you!

Feb 23, 2022 12:59 pm

When you are asked what you do to give back to your community or society, I bet you think about your NGO or your regular visit to the orphanage.

You do not think of how your day-to-day jobs make a difference in the lives of the people you serve.

The bus driver who picked you up at 5;30am had to leave his warm bed at 4:30 am so he can serve you.

You rush to the banking hall this morning to serve that old man who couldn't gain access to his bank account. The Joy in his heart after you helped him was unquantifiable.

Oftentimes, you think your job is mainly for you to earn a living, however, earning money is just an offshoot of bringing value to the world.

I know you have this dream of cashing out at 35 and retiring to just travel around the world and having fun. No more work, just vibes, and cruise.

But come to think of it, how will the world survive if we all live out this dream.


Take a few minutes to imagine it.

Your favorite buka shuts down and that hot amala is never to be served again.

All the doctors and nurses are out sleeping at home while hospitals are filled with sick and injured people.

What of the market, imagine all the markets shut down and you have to go knocking on all your neighbor's doors to trade by barter😂.

As you go about your daily activities every day of your life, always remember that the world needs you. The contribution of the works of your hand is a blessing to this place.

So even on days when you feel discouraged or tired or that day when you finally hit the jackpot and make all the money(Do not forget me 😂), you need for your lifetime, remember not to leave your place of service.

You must care about satisfying the needs of other people, this is where you get your fulfillment from.

Being a while, how are you doing today? What have you up to in this year?

At Sheda house, we have done a lot of restructuring to our Academy courses and mode of teaching. If you will like to learn a skill, this year is the best time to make that decision. You have access to the best community as you learn with us, you know how we do it at Sheda house now. 

Talk to you soon.

Love from your Friend, Toluade
