Oct 05, 2021 12:35 am
,This morning, we proposed that we have a backup group for the Sheda House community on Telegram. It was as if we knew something was going to be up with WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram this evening.
Some members of the group laughed it off.
“Who dey use telegram?”
“Why do we need a backup plan? WhatsApp is sufficient “
This afternoon, a WhatsApp contact requested my price list for a photo session and it didn't go through as I sent it to her, I assumed the office Wi-Fi was slow and switched to my phone data yet it didn't go through. I didn't realize something was up until I saw Olayinka who was just sitting beside me restart his phone because he couldn't also get his messages delivered on WhatsApp.
It was when I got on Twitter that I realized these three platforms are down.
We have just a few members on the Telegram group now because we had so much trust in these platforms.
I imagine business deals that have gone south this evening.
Maybe you were about to just send your invoice to get in that big break you have been waiting for.
It could just be a break in connection with that one friend who constantly posts amazing content on their status.
It's going to be a rough evening for a lot of people as these platforms are interwoven at our very core.
This evening, I want you to take out time to call your friends and people who have brought so much bliss to you on these platforms.
Our parents use WhatsApp as a major means of communication (even though they send as annoying broadcasts), it's a good time to call and gist with them about how your day went.
Much more than that, this is a reminder that we find more than one platform to connect and do business with people. We can not afford to put all our eggs in one basket.
,Get on Twitter, if you have to.
Connect on Linked In, it's not as boring as you heard.
Most importantly, get a website of your own so that you are in charge of your digital space. A website does not have to be complex and cumbersome, it can be simplified and tailored to meet your need and budget. Sheda House is here to help you if you ever need to own one.
I wish you a beautiful evening. BTW, How are you coping? I will like to hear from you.