Baby It's Cold Outside!
Jan 12, 2022 9:51 pm
Pura Vida!
This week I wanted to pop in and share a few of the best articles for this week!
Costa Rican Food- I've just published the BEST homemade Costa Rican hot chocolate recipe. It literally takes 5 minutes and tastes 5,000 times better than hot chocolate from the packet.
The main ingredient is Leche Pinito powdered milk, and to celebrate the published recipe, I am offering 50% off (YEP, FIFTY) off Leche Pinito in the store. Click here for the discount, or use the code PINITO at check out.
Costa Rica Travel- You may know that I lived in San Ramon for many years. One of my favorite places is a hidden swimming pool net to a rushing waterfall. Read about this off-the-beaten path destination and add it to your next itinerary.
Bilingual Parenting - If this year you are looking for more bilingual parenting resources for yourself, check out these top bilingual parenting books.
Until next week!
PS- Don't forget the HUGE Leche Pinito sale in the shop!