Happy New Year From Pura Vida Moms!

Jan 05, 2022 5:45 pm

¡Pura Vida and Feliz Año Nuevo!

Just a quick note to kick off the new year with Pura Vida Moms. This year I'll be sending a weekly tip for each of the sections of my blog (travel, parenting and food) and a featured product in the shop. Short, sweet and simple.

New Year's Resolution: Food

If you are like me and ate your way through the holidays, you are looking for some lighter recipes to start the new year. I recommend this picadillo de chayote.

New Year's Resolution: Speak More Spanish

I have definitely dropped the ball in speaking Spanish to my kids. Back to TruFluency Spanish Immersion it is. We love the program and there is help for native speakers too. Use code PURAVIDA for 20% off.

New Year's Resolution: Travel to Costa Rica

We just found out we will be heading to Costa Rica in May, and I never miss a chance to visit La Fortuna. Here's my favorite food in the area.


I made a new year's resolution to cook one new recipe a week. Want to join me? Stock up on all the essential ingredients you need for your Costa Rican kitchen with our handy pulperia box.

That's all for now!

