🥺 Miss you at future events {{contact.first_name}}?

Apr 02, 2024 7:06 pm

Hi there —

I'm Barbara, the ringleader here at Projectkin.org. I'm reaching out because you are on my list of folks who registered for one of our events on Eventbrite during the last six months.

Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, you're not on my list as a subscriber to Projectkin on Substack, so you might have missed the news that we've moved off of Eventbrite. That also means you won't see posts about upcoming events.

In response to feedback, I've changed how we're handling events.

They're no longer held on Google Meet or scheduled using Eventbrite. Instead, we're using Zoom and scheduling them from our new Projectkin.org/events page. You can learn more here.

On the new Event Calendar, you'll find some special events, including:

  • an exciting pair of events on self-publishing family history books,
  • an exclusive program with Lady Esri, a performance artist from London, where she'll share how to bring out the reluctant storyteller

PLUS, I'm cooking up some more specials for May and June! These are in addition to our monthly favorites, Atlantic and Pacific Project Clinics, and coaching with Kathy Stone in her Kathy's Corner. All events are recorded, and recordings are shared with all members.

I'd love to have you join us.

The events and a subscription to the Projectkin community are still free. More about Projectkin on Substack here. I've even recorded a tour to help our members learn their way around the new digs. 😉

Here's the thing: I hate to contribute to email clutter.

If you're not interested in joining Projectkin, I get it. That's completely fine. You can check in on our event calendar at your convenience and follow us on social media. (More about the ten channels here.) I won't be bothering you with any more emails.

If you have some other concern that's kept you from subscribing to Projectkin while following us on Eventbrite, hit reply and let me know. I'd love to hear from you. That kind of feedback has been instrumental to the success of our growing community at Projectkin.org.

Thank you again for your support for so many months on Eventbrite.



Barbara Tien

Ringleader at Projectkin.org


