šŸ…Shoulda Coulda WouldašŸ…

Jun 04, 2022 2:06 pm


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Welcome to M.C. Solarisā€™ June Newsletter

ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­Deaconā€™s Star has been awarded the Readersā€™ Favorite 5 Star Award!ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­

Sometimes (okay, pretty much 24/7), Iā€™m my own worst critic.

When I saw that Deaconā€™s Star was awarded 5 stars, good olā€™ Mr. Imposter Syndrome strutted through my door like he owned the place.

Especially because heā€™s been living with me since Midnight Magic became a multiple bestseller, including a USA Today Bestseller (!!!).

You see, Iā€™ve been thinking A LOT about the stories Iā€™ve written and published (for so many reasons) and I canā€™t seem to escape the resounding Shoulda Coulda Wouldas (and their continuous chorus of cringey things of ā€œIf I only knew then what I do nowā€¦ā€ and ā€œWhy didnā€™t I do that instead?ā€).

I shouldā€™ve done this... 

I couldā€™ve written it this way insteadā€¦ 

I wouldā€™ve changed this partā€¦

But the thing is, these Shoulda Coulda Wouldas are a direct reflection of growth. They only exist because I learned each time I published these stories and pushed that sometimes scary vulnerable publish button. 

You see, I didnā€™t go to school for creative writing, English, or anything of the like. (My background is in healthcare and my arch-nemesis is grammar. ;) ). Nor have I been writing in secret and honing my craft for years and years.

Iā€™d just woken up one auspicious day in January 2019 during a super full blood moon eclipse (yes, this is a real thing. Lol!) and started writing the stories that were suddenly in my head.

I didnā€™t know what the hell I was doing. I didnā€™t know about tropes, story structure, plotlines, formattingā€¦ any of it. Seriously! In fact, Iā€™d bet that a lot of you are still more versed in a lot of this storytelling stuff than I.

(Case and point, I just spent a ridiculous amount of time scratching my head while trying to figure out if it should be written as ā€œmore well versedā€ or ā€œbetter versedā€ā€”this one sounds even weirder to me... You can see what I went with, for better or worse. ;) )

Anyway, the point is that everything Iā€™ve learned is from good olā€™ trial and error.

AKA the age-old Japanese proverb ā€œfall 7 times and get up 8.ā€ 

AKA (and one of my personal favs growing up): 

ā€œAnd if at first you don't succeed

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust it off and try again, try againā€

ā€”Try Again, Aaliyah

So, the moral of this particular story here is to remember to be gentle with yourself and carry compassion in the midst of self-criticism because you only know what you do now because you ā€œfailedā€ or made a ā€œmistakeā€ and then learned from the experience.

Sure, in hindsight, itā€™s easy to think of alllll the Shoulda Coulda Wouldasā€”of all the things that you wished youā€™ve done instead, the things that youā€™re now kicking yourself over and over and over.

But you made the choices you did for a reason. Sometimes, it may be hard to remember that reason, why you did what you did, and fathom why you made such a choice.

The gold lies in the learning of the lesson and embracing the self-compassion that goes along with the ā€œhumanessā€ of this (sometimes cringey/painful) growth cycle. And in this case, that gold just so happens to be a piece of kryptonite for good olā€™ Mr. Imposter Syndrome.

Aaand this is the part where I ask you some Qā€™sā€¦

  • When was the last time you doubted your own talents/abilities and felt like a fraud?  

  • When was the last time you felt you werenā€™t good or worthy enough? 

Pro Tip: 

Flip Mr. Imposter Sydrome the bird.

Give yourself (and your past self) some grace.

Yes, you are worthy. Yes, you are talented.

Yes, you deserve all of it and more!

(Really, you do!)

Aaand last but certainly not leastā€¦




THANK YOU to *you*, fellow romance reader and supporter of Orionā€™s Order. Thank you for choosing to read these stories. Thank you for taking a chance on a new author. Thank you for loving the characters and the species world. Thank you for all your messages, comments, reviews, and encouragement. And thank you for allllllllll your love, support, encouragement, and enthusiasm!!!

(And thanks for your patience with me this year as unexpected life curveballsā€”hello, wedding planning and schoolā€”straight up guffawed in the face of my writing goals this year). 

And hereā€™s a big THANK YOU to Readers' Favorite for all that you do to support authors and for the Readerā€™s Favorite 5 Star Award for Deaconā€™s Star! šŸ™ā¤ļø


M.C. Solaris


PS: Donā€™t forget to make sure the email address mcsolaris@mcsolaris.com is SAVED AS ONE OF YOUR CONTACTS so these newsletters donā€™t get caught in your spam/promotions folder.





More Love & Gratitude To You!!!

Yup, this L&G train keeps going on with infinite more waves of deep thanks and appreciation to each and every one of you who supported Midnight Magic in whatever way, shape, or form! 

Again, Midnight Magic would not be a USA Today Bestseller, nor would I be the author/person I am today, without your support, encouragement, and love in all of its gloriously appreciated forms!

Okay, so, if it hasnā€™t been clear enough by now, let me lovingly shout it again for the people in the back:





*99 C-E-N-T-S for 1st & 4th Books*

More Imposter Syndrome & Shoulda Coulda Wouldas 

Since it went with the theme of this newsletter, I figured I would share that Women, Letā€™s Get Woo!, book one in my non-fiction series, dabbles a bit into things like Imposter Syndrome and Shoulda Coulda Wouldas (amongst many other things! ;) ).


PS: If you enjoy the beginning parts of my newsletter ramblings about the life lessons and emotional experiences Iā€™m learning from, then you may enjoy the Ignite Your Inner Goddess series as itā€™s very much the same vibe of girl talk meets real talk meets a little woo weird. ;)






Serket is used to being forgotten and is happy to be, even if her healing powers have waned in the years since people forgot her real name.

Everything changes when a minor god turns up and reveals her scorpions are being blamed for a poisoning. Determined to prove her innocence, Serket must take her place as a goddess once more and uncover the plot threatening to destroy her.

Protectors Of Poison is book one of the Forgotten Gods series and is a fantasy paranormal romance based on Egyptian mythology. It includes an m/f romance and a happy ever after for Serket and Sed.

Claim Protectors of Poison Here



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The runes are cast, the rituals prepared. Now it's time to break the rules...

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Witches, Wizards, Shifters, Vampires, Demons, Devils, and other mythical creatures prowl the pages of this limited edition collection of paranormal romance and urban fantasy tales.

Secure your copy of brand new, unforgettable stories from your favorite USA Today bestselling authors and exciting up-and-coming talent before itā€™s gone forever!

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*F*R*E*E* with KU*

He despises her... almost as much as his beast craves her.

Kyraā€™s seen and survived the worst things imaginable, all because of the magic she was born with. Trapped by her secret, she has no choice but to serve Councilman Gallagher or risk everything she has tried so hard to build. Because despite black magic being banned, her very survival depends on it.

When sheā€™s commanded to summon a Daemon, a Breed notorious for their corruption and brutality, sheā€™s torn between keeping her secret and doing the right thing.

Xanderā€™s hate for black witches was notorious, but nothing frustrated him more than the one witch that brings trouble with a capital T. With dark amber eyes, and a controlled strength that fascinated his beast - the monster heā€™s cursed to share a soul - Xander will do anything to push her away.

So when heā€™s forced into protecting her, he must put aside his prejudice and ignore his growing desire thatā€™s an insult to his past.

Because heā€™s had an entire childhood to remember why you canā€™t trust black witches.

And he definitely canā€™t trust Kyra Farzan.

Claim Kiss of Darkness Here



*F*R*E*E* with KU*

Ivy's struggling to survive. For the sake of his son, Owen is trying to live. The wanderer and the widower....and a second chance at love. Welcome to Endurance, California the single dad capital of the west.

Ivy Summerā€™s poor choices have deposited her at the last knot in the proverbial rope. With forty dollars to her name and a broken shoe heel, she walks into the town of Endurance desperate and searching for a way back home. But this street-savvy lady is used to taking care of herself and fighting for everything she has. She'll do whatā€™s necessary to surviveā€”even take on a grumpy mountain man in the middle of the night.

Single father, Owen Tate wants to be left alone, especially by the sexy trespasser who demands entry into his bar. She has a truckload of attitude, a penchant for manipulation, and a ton of baggage trailing behind her. Yet Ivyā€™s zeal for life might be the kick in the pants a wounded man needs to bury the past.

How will two people used to staying the course change direction and learn to fight for each other?

Claim Staying The Course Here





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