The Witty Writer

Welcome to the bunch!

So, who are these MacKade and V.V. Strange people?

Well, it’s all me AKA Viviana.


I am MacKade when I write contemporary, and V.V. Strange when I write paranormal or fantasy romance, and I am very happy to meet you.

More on me and my books in the future, so for now, I'll keep it to a simple Q&A:

imageWhy do I write what I write?

I write contemporary suspense because I love the adventure, the danger, and the mystery of it, and I love to see the leading couple getting out of trouble. 

And I write paranormal/fantasy because I love the possibilities. Also, writing new worlds is a fantastic thing to do.

imageWhat my Characters are (not)?

My Heroines are never stupid and never helpless. They might be in trouble, confused, or in need of help, but never TSTL.

My Heroes are never bullies, never mean. They might be angry, lost, or even bad, but their hearts are in the right place.

Make sure you add me to the list of contacts, just in case, and.... let's get started!



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