Does Your Child Really Understand What in Means to be an Influencer?

May 30, 2024 6:09 pm

REAL wealthy people never flaunt their worth when they are attacked,yet we see certain kind of people calling people 'broke' when they are trolled. What does it tell you? The Truly wealthy ones have nothing to prove right ? 

 Sadly, it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between these two groups of people and this is making a mess of our preteens and teenagers and their idea of what wealth truly is and what they should aspire to.

Here's why ; Many of us leave a vacuum in our financial conversation for too long and society , peers and pop culture has taught our children what wealth should look like , which is why they all want to be "INFLUENCERS, " TICKTOKERS AND YOUTUBERS. Oh, and FOOTBALLERS TOO..

Don't get me wrong, these are all good and there's nothing wrong with aspiring to do these things, the challenge however is the motive...

Lastly , does your child truly understand who a real INFLUENCER is ? Do they understand that there is the place of knowledge, insight, expertise, impact, a calling and most importantly PURPOSE on the " Impact Highway " as Aunty Etima Abang Umeh calls it? 

Abi , it's all about how many followers, likes and monetization? And you may be there smiling and innocently sharing links to friends and alumni group while the child wallows in mediocrity while developing little or no relevant skills that are sustainable . 

This is part of what I and my team of Financial Expert will be teaching at the Upcoming Foundation Class for Becoming Financially Smart & Understanding Purpose."

Luckily we've extended registration, so you can still register your child to join us on their journey to financial abundance. See details and the link below to register your child today. 

N7,000 to 

PTM Resources 

Zenith Bank 


Or order from our selar store

Dear parents , whatever you do , do not forget that you are a custodian of destiny ,and the advantage you give your child today will set them apart..

Cheers to building a solid foundation for financial success. 

Marybeth Chima

The MentorMum.
