How Small Daily Supports Lead to Big Gains in Children
Sep 30, 2024 5:01 pm
Children learn more from people they connect with , as a matter of fact , not just children ,we all learn more effectively when we connect with the person we are learning from. Especially when the learning can be connected to our experiences.
This is why some countries where education is highly prioritized use the "Looping" system where one teacher teaches the same set of children for many years to build a strong teacher -student relationship.
That said, can you think of a more qualified person who can connect, have access to past experiences and real life situation like you the parent?
While I'm not saying you should pull your child from traditional school and become their teacher, what I'm saying is that you can choose to HARNESS these super power you have to ACCELERATE your child's learning ability and empower them powerfully.
Join me this evening for our weekly webinar where I will be 'setting a new table' to show you how powerful💪💪 you are in the matter of influencing your child.
Oya set your alarm and Invite your friends to join us at 7p.m today.
Cheers to building a solid foundation for your child's future.
Marybeth Chima
The MentorMum
Matron Mastermind Circle