The Secret to Your Parenting Success Today May Be to Do a Detox.

Dec 30, 2023 6:38 am

If you are looking for that one thing you must do to become a better parent today, my suggestion?

Do a Dopamine detox!

Drop that phone, close that laptop, put that remote control away for 30 minutes, and spend time with your child.

It will reduce your dopamine rush, addiction, and dependence on this gadget that you now depend on for passive entertainment and feel feel-good experience.

Yes, I know you are trying very hard to make ends meet, doing so much to be there for your family and you have a career to build and a life to live too, plus these gadgets are used to make these happen.

At the end of the day, If you have caught yourself using phrases like, "I'm busy" or " I'm too tired " when it finally comes to spending time with your children " then take this quick test;

πŸ‘‰ Did you spend at least 30 minutes on Instagram today?

πŸ‘‰ Did you spend 30 minutes on the many WhatsApp books you belong to?

πŸ‘‰ Did you watch a TV show for at least 30/minutes?

πŸ‘‰ Did you join a prayer session for 1 hr +

πŸ‘‰Did you spend at least 1 hour on all these activities put together?

If you have at least 2 yeses, then you need to do a detox...

Drop that phone do 30 minutes daily and dedicate all of that 30 -WHOLE- MINUTE- TO- PLAY AND COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR CHILD!!!

Play is the language of love and if you do this daily, you will see a 360-degree turnaround in your connection with your child, and right there is the beginning of all success.

My book " Playtime Stories for Champions" will help you with the perfect activities to maximize your mummy/ daddy time with your 0-10 years olds

See details below to order a copy now and start winning today 😁

You can also order on Amazon Marybeth+chima&crid=490TFV698VVH&sprefix=marybeth+chima%2Caps%2C336&ref=nb_sb_noss

Cheers to your parenting success! πŸ₯‚

Β©Marybeth Chima

The MentorMum 
