Jul 06, 2020 3:41 pm
I thought I read books until I met my husband who had a whole shelf with 8 compartment of books, with some he's owned since he was 10.So ,when I started having kids, I knew it wasn't enough that we had shelves stacked with books, I would have to consciously point them towards being LOVERS of books.
I bought my son's first set of books when I was 6months pregnant! And that was where it began. Bedtime stories has been a part of our routine for as long as we have been parents.
So yes, it was a goal and we had a plan.
Bedtime stories was how we positioned ourselves and the kids,and how programming began.
We have done so much to groom them in this area,as a matter of fact, we are still grooming...
And I teach parent all about this in a course.(you can ask me about this)
The results? Amazing!
Today my 10year old is an independent learner!
He writes his scripts for his YouTube videos ,and edits his videos by himself.
Prepares for exams all by himself.
Prepares public speaking speeches and his presentations all by himself.
Asks (puts up a case ) for new books, just like he would do for a box of pizza.
Has read about 30books during the lock-down alongside summer school,YouTube-ING,many courses, video games and outdoor play.
My 5year old brags with her books, and would not miss those Bedtime stories for anything. End of day routine for her...
" kiss kiss daddy,can you read my Bedtime story today?"
Little wonder the first book I write is "Bedtime Stories for Champions!"
You should get a copy of this book for your kids. It is a must have,I promise you.
Pre-orders for N2,500 ends tomorrow the 7th of July!
Text 08130621566 for details
Remember, you are the first mentor your child needs!
Marybeth Chima
The MentorMum