Jul 06, 2020 3:41 pm


I thought I read books until I met my husband who had a whole shelf with 8 compartment of books, with some he's owned since he was 10.So ,when I started having kids, I knew it wasn't enough that we had shelves stacked with books, I would have to consciously point them towards being LOVERS of books.

I bought my son's first set of books when I was 6months pregnant! And that was where it began. Bedtime stories has been a part of our routine for as long as we have been parents.

So yes, it was a goal and we had a plan.

Bedtime stories was how we positioned ourselves and the kids,and how programming began.

We have done so much to groom them in this area,as a matter of fact, we are still grooming...

And I teach parent all about this in a course.(you can ask me about this)

The results? Amazing!

♦️Today my 10year old is an independent learner!

♦️He writes his scripts for his YouTube videos ,and edits his videos by himself.

♦️Prepares for exams all by himself.

♦️Prepares public speaking speeches and his presentations all by himself.

♦️Asks (puts up a case ) for new books, just like he would do for a box of pizza.

♦️Has read about 30books during the lock-down alongside summer school,YouTube-ING,many courses, video games and outdoor play.

My 5year old brags with her books, and would not miss those Bedtime stories for anything. End of day routine for her...

" kiss kiss daddy,can you read my Bedtime story today?"



Little wonder the first book I write is "Bedtime Stories for Champions!"😁

You should get a copy of this book for your kids. It is a must have,I promise you.😁

Pre-orders for N2,500 ends tomorrow the 7th of July!🙄

Text 08130621566 for details

Remember, you are the first mentor your child needs!

Marybeth Chima

The MentorMum
