Uncurl & Produce Blog Post

Jun 22, 2024 11:33 pm


After a week of hot dry weather, our cornfield is showing signs of needing much rain. We are much like the curled corn. When the heat of life is turned up, we tend to curl up and draw within ourselves. This too is a natural stress response, a way to protect ourselves from pain and suffering.

To read the complete blog post on my website blog, click here. To read the post on Blogger, click here.

On the home front...

An attitude of gratitude for a wonderful book launch this week, after the stress of preparing everything. God may allow the heat to be turned up as I roll a book out into production. I may curl to protect myself, but in the end, I will always praise the Lord because He is a sovereign God. It is all in His timing for success.

Remember the paperback version can be pre-ordered from my website for only $10.99 through June 30th. Shipping is free and I am beating Amazon's price this month! Click here to order. Tomorrow is the last day to grab the eBook for only $.99 on Amazon. Click here to purchase.

Remember... Bloom with Jesus!







