The Day 2, 3, and 4 of the Build Better Relationships Challenge is now accessible!

Jul 04, 2024 2:01 pm

Hi everyone,

Happy July 4th to all of my fellow Americans in the USA.

Great message for this holiday.

Today’s Quote: "The best way to predict the future is to create it." – Peter Drucker

Seize the opportunity to connect deeper with those around you. By engaging in meaningful conversations about future aspirations and newfound hobbies, you not only learn more about their passions but also open doors to shared experiences and mutual growth. Remember, every great relationship is built on a foundation of understanding and shared interests. So, take a moment today to explore and celebrate these connections.

Take time this weekend to connect with people you love and care about.

Spend time getting to know them.

Do something fun and make positive memories.

Don't forget to take pictures so you can capture those memories for future generations.

You will thank me later for that last tip.

My purpose for this challenge is twofold. First, building relationships is important in your personal life. Second, building better relationships in your professional life is crucial to building a successful business.

Click here to read more about our latest message for today's challenge.

Click Here to read our latest challenge!

I see so many beginning freelancers and coaches fall into the trap of sending out tackles messages that only tell the potential customer the things they are not doing right in hope to add value and convert them into being a customer. It's an old method that does not work anymore in this day and age. I am encouraging you to stay away from that type of message.

To save time and effort, focus on getting to know the potential clients needs first before you start sharing the skills you have that can help them solve a problem. It's called needs-based selling. This is how it works. During a casual get to know you conversation, find out what their biggest problem is. Then match it with a skill you already have that can help them solve the problem. This method helps you to focus more on your potential client rather than focusing on promoting yourself. Once you are hired by the client, let your natural skills and talents speak for themselves. It's the best way to build your business naturally.

Today, take some time off from building your business and enjoy the time with your family and friends. You can always go back to work tomorrow or next week.

This real-life story seems fitting to share during our build a better relationship challenge.

I hope you find it valuable.

I'm actually going to take my son who is 18 to visit his grandmother, my mom over the weekend. We are going to spend a few days helping her to declutter her house. She

Is pairing down her clutter so that we can move her into an assistant living community closer to us. That way we can spend more time with her and less time traveling to get to see her. Having her in assistant living gives me peace of mind knowing she is getting full-time care and takes the pressure off of me for being her only part-time caregiver. I love my mom and my own family.

However, I find that its harder to help her since we have a half day's drive to go see her. I do enjoy building a better relationship with my mom. I also encourage my son to build a better relationship with my mom and all of his family members anytime we can get together with them. My family is important to me because they are my biggest support in my life.

More fun messages to come with the Build Better relationship challenge.

I would love to hear your build a better relationship success story.

Enjoy your holiday and build better relationships along the way.

Warm Wishes,

Marie Mason

Business Strategy Coach

Business Solutions Academy
