Happy New Year! Your membership update to Strategy Lady Academy...

Jan 02, 2022 2:39 am

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year, I am so excited for the changes coming to Strategy Lady Academy.

I want to say Congratulations to our first graduating class of 2021.

I am so proud of Meryl, Mark, Tifa, Heidi, & Robert.

Thanks to your dedication to sticking to our year-long coaching program while it is in the beta testing stage. Your success is a testimonial that proves my program works. I appreciate your testimonials. If you have not had time to do one set up a time with me in the next couple of weeks I would like to record a video testimonial with you. I appreciate your feedback and have been making improvements to our coaching program which will help future students achieve success in this program.

Our Leadership Coaching Program Highlights

You are officially a part of our leadership coaching program that is in its beta stage.

Let me tell you how this program works.


  • Your participation in our weekly mastermind group calls is essential to the success of this leadership program.
  • You need to at least attend the first hour of the weekly sessions.
  • Monthly coaching calls are included with this program.
  • (If you need more, let me know and I will give you the new calendar link to schedule a time with me)
  • We do not have any new worksheets or videos training for this coaching program.
  • We will have monthly guest speakers who will help you to grow your leadership skills and to grow your business.

Hot seats include celebrating wins, asking questions for feedback, & setting goals.

  • We will have a weekly question to break the ice and get the conversations rolling.
  • To make sure we get to everyone in a timely manner, I will ask the weekly question and let each person take turns answering it.
  • Then each person will get time to give a one-minute summary of your wins for the week.
  • Each person will get 5 minutes to ask a question to the group and allow time most of that time for feedback.
  • Each person will get about one minute to announce their goals for the next week.
  • I want to stick to this format so that we can really give everyone equal time to talk.

Here is how we can support you on our weekly mastermind group calls.

This is a perfect time for you to work on your business.

Here are some examples of questions that you may need help with:

  • a niche
  • a pitch
  • a package
  • your marketing, sales process
  • your hiring, training, managing a team process
  • or if you have a question about a client offer, a conflict with a client that does not feel right
  • or working on your website
  • plus address any fears you are struggling with mentally

Just because I record the calls each week does not mean you don't attend.

We need to decide if you can commit as a group to the weekly mastermind calls or if we need to scale back to twice a week.

If no one shows up for 3 weeks within a month, I am going to assume that you lost interest in the coaching program and I will cancel it.

I want to make sure that we value our time together.

The date and time to add to your calendar are Friday, 4 PM-5:30 PM East Coast time unless it is during a USA holiday.

We are starting up again on Friday, January 7, 2022.

The total time commitment is 6 months.

Emergency plan

If Marie is sick or unable to host the weekly call, Heidi or Mark will host it in my place.

On Friday, January 7th, I am getting my car inspected at 2 PM and hoping to be back on time to start the call.

Strategy Lady Academy Membership Updates

Mark and I are working hard on providing you with a website that will house all of our content on a student dashboard so that you can track your progress to our business foundation course. You have lifetime access to our course content. Please do me a favor when we release the website please make sure that you test out each section and lesson. I want to test the ease of use of the course materials and any challenges you encountered while going through the course. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

From time to time, I will add paid leadership students to our group.

All students must be virtual assistants or freelancers who need confidence in their business.

They must be in business for at least a year and earn at least 50,000 a year with a $2500 dollar coaching budget.

Here are my coaching programs

  1. Light Coaching costs $595 for 3 months
  2. Advanced Coaching costs $1995 for 12 months
  3. Leadership Coaching Costs $2500 for 6 months

Light coaching & Advanced Coaching are getting the same time

Tuesday's from 10 AM-11:30 AM

Leadership Coaching

Friday's from 4 AM -5:30 PM

Please bookmark my zoom link


You are getting the Leadership coaching program for free as my gift to you.

If you have any questions about our leadership question or need to book your monthly call please go to my new calendar link and book the call with me.

Calendar: https://meetfox.com/e/marie-mason-1

Looking forward to hearing your wins, questions, and goals on January 7th.

Happy New Year to you all. This is your year to win big.

Warm Wishes,

Marie Mason
