Dr.P.T. Sunderam Asia's Top 1% Parenting Coach

Tired of the Screen Time Struggle?

Hey there, concerned parent!

Are screens taking over your child's life, leaving you feeling helpless?

I'm here to offer you guidance and support on the journey to a healthier screen time balance.

The Screen Time Struggle:

Excessive screen time can affect your child's well-being, from sleep disturbances to decreased physical activity and social disconnect.

Introducing Screen Time Solution!

✅ Say goodbye to endless battles over devices.

✅ Ensure a healthy balance of play and learning.

✅ Empower your kids to thrive in the real world

Ready to take the first step toward a balanced life for your child?

Let's talk about your concerns, and I'll provide you with some initial guidance during a free consultation.

Connect with other parents facing similar challenges, share insights, and find strength in a supportive community.


Together, we can tackle the screen time issue, making your home a place where learning, playing, and connecting take center stage.

Let's get started on this transformative journey.


I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Let's create a balanced life your child deserves!

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