Is the demand for cyber professionals on the decline?

Aug 06, 2024 9:28 pm

I noticed a recent LinkedIn News post with this as the first paragraph.

"Global demand for cybersecurity talent has been cooling, even as cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities become more apparent."

This news is surprising to those of us who are looking for new positions for our teams. In fact, we are actively recruiting for one of our positions.

In my experience, we went through a hiring boom in 2021 and 2022, but that was because of the "great resignation" when we lost over half of our team. We were down to a skeleton crew, and when we had new leadership take over, they quickly realized the risk this posed to the organization.

Unless your team is way oversized, I am surprised that leadership is okay with accepting the risks of not filling security positions or even layoffs for the security team.

What do you do if you are trying to break into security and you hear this news? My advice is that "this too shall pass". As the article states, cyber threats are just growing, not shrinking. When these companies are breached, and the leadership has to justify shrinking their security team to the board, it will likely turn things around.

Keep on learning and building your skills!

Link to the LinkedIn article.
